Save $10 dive with Luna Beach

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I bothered to inquire of Luna Beach Resort as to their practices.

The truth:
WOW that is very interesting – we can prove we always collect the fees and pay the committee directly. BELIEVE ME – we do everything to the book – how dare anyone excuse of cheating – that is the furthest from the truth, but there are always someone who wants to make themselves look better or such.

THANK YOU for the heads up!

Best regards,


Luna Beach Resort,,
Hello all

Being one of the managers of the Sandy Bay West End Marine Park, also known as the Roatan Marine Park, I think a few things need to be clarified;

Firstly, Doc Adelman, when was the last time you visited West End and got out of Coco View? Clearly you haven't been down this part of the island and seen what we have achieved. If you can do some homework before bad mouthing us, I would appreciate a little more precission in your mud slinging. Have you even gone through our website which talks about our creation, our goals and our current activities. If you found the time to get off Scuba Board and come down to the office, we can take you out on one of our patrol boat which is manned by a boat captain and a member of the National Police.

Leading on from my last comment, we do have affective patrols that go out 7 days a week at all random hours. Through the assistance of National Police, we have the authority to arrest and imprison anyone caught in posession of lobster, conch or spearguns. The removal of lobster and conch is forbidden within the Bay Islands and we are the only supervising body that enforces these laws. This is all mentioned in our website so please do your research before the slander begins.

In regards to Luna Beach being a supporter. I personally went to Luna Beach and spoke to the owner who openly said he doesn't want to support the Marine Park and will not sell the $10 bracelets and tags to his divers. How he supports the park is a mystery to me. He thinks the Marine Park is ineffective as we are unable to ban all fishing and wishes to play no part in the conservation and protection of Roatan's reefs. Having complained about the fishing, it seems strange that he has a broad menu with a variety of seafood dishes, fueling this industry he wishes to ban. Looking back through 2006s accounts, I am unable to find a single contribution from Luna Beach and the last time we received any financial support from their divers in the form of paying 2006s $5 user fee was when Luna Beach purchased 100 tags in October 2006. As Luna Beach does not support the Marine Park, their website needs to be updated as it currently misinforms any visitors of their support for the Marine Park.

Another point needed to be clarified, we have an open account system and all subscribers receive a monthly newsletter with full details of income and expenditure. We have not and do not intend to pay any customs officers at the airport to do a spot of moonlighting for us and frown that anyone would be stupid enough to imply that. We are a grass roots, community run organisation who does more than twiddle our thumbs and put in moorings. The fact that we have initiated a recycling project here on Roatan shows our continuing efforts in protecting Roatan's fragile environment.

I hope this will end all this bickering and clarify a few things. The Troll who started this discussion is a friend of mine and posted this message in an effort to get Luna Beach to support the park. Our website shows benefactors who financially support us and does not show those that sell the tags and bracelets.

If you want the list of those that sell the new 2007 bracelets, here goes:Anthony's Key Resort, Banana Rama, Bay Island Beach Resort, Blue Bahia, Coconut Tree Divers, Las Rocas, Native Sons, Ocean Connections, Octopus Divers, Pura Vida, Reef Gliders, Roatan Divers, SeaGrape, Sueno Del Mar, Tyll's and West End Divers. These shops encourage their divers to support us and it is much appreciated.

Well thats that. Check our website at for more details and if you have any questions, drop us a line

Well I'm off to put a dive mooring in as i don't know anything else I can do with my Masters Degree in Tropical Coastal Management. Happy thumb twidling and squabbling.

Marine Park Manager
The Marine Park makes me kind of snicker, anyway.

The Marine Reserve is in place (in theory) to pay for North (and West) side mooring and to provide identifiably large fish for visiting divers to log into their books.


This posting disgusts me, to belittle the activities of this deserving cause with virtually no knowledge of what it does is what makes this self professed expert on Roatan a laughing stock on the island of Roatan amongst many of its long term residents.

Way to destroy your credibility Roatanman:rofl3:
You asked Luna Beach about this posting - did you bother to contact the marine park managers? If you had they would have repeated Luna Beach's official stance with the marine park. Which is at present that they will not support it until they see less fishing from the docks near their resort. Fishing (with a line) being legal here, there is little the marine park can do to fulfill this request. Like any law enforcer, the marine park relies on the public to report law breakers so their officials can respond. Has Luna beach got one single report on file with the marine park office? No, so how can the marine park do anything to stop any individual who actually is breaking the law if they are not informed? I actually don't want to make this posting about Luna beach as I am sure these problems will be sorted out and they will once again become valued members. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A TAG NO MONEY HAS GONE TO THE PARK. I want to make this post about how wrong Roatanman is in his accusations with regard to the activities of the Marine Park and the Raison d'etre.

The marine park has now been recognised at a governmental level as co-managers of the marine protected areas here in Roatan. They have received grants from a number of international bodies, including PADI.

Here is a copy of the latest news letter sent out by the marine park. Admittedly their website is very out of date at present due to technical difficulties. Note that this just addresses what has been happening in the last month, their activities are wide ranging with only about 15% of their annual expenditure on marine infrastructure. Their greatest focus is on education of locals (largely school children) as to the delicate balance of the marine ecosystem and the importance of preserving it. They also work hard to protect key indicator species such as conch and lobster. NOT LARGE FISH.

'Welcome once again to the Sandy Bay West End Marine Park newsletter,

Now that the issue with RECO has hopefully resolved itself and we have continuous power supply, fingers crossed, life has slowly got back to normal here on Roatan. In the past 5 weeks the Park has been busy with the usual issues, and in addition working on new projects.

As usual the patrol boats have continued their daily vigilance of the Park and had several captures throughout January. On the 23rd 2 persons in a cayuco in the possession of conch, lobster and a sea fan were apprehended. While one of the accused managed to escape after leaping from the office balcony and bolting for the bush, the other spent 24 hours in jail and then returned to our office for the standard beach clean-up follow up (community service).

On the 31st, two yachters were caught in the possession of a spear gun and a sling trident and several large lobsters. Due to a failure in communication on behalf of the Port Authorities in Coxen Hole where the yacht had registered, the accused were unaware that they were within a Marine Park, that the use of spear guns was illegal (a law enacted throughout the whole of the Bay Islands but sadly not enforced at a satisfactory level) and that the removal of conch and lobster is forbidden. With this in mind we opted not to imprison the accused and instead demanded an adequate donation (aqua. a legitimate fine) and kept their arsenal of weapons. Following this incident, we have learnt that it is imperative that all yachts that enter Roatan waters are informed about the rules and regulations and that failure to comply will result in imprisonment. From this we have developed a new leaflet that all registered boats will receive during registration at the Port Office, so that people can no longer plead ignorance when captured.

Evolution of patrols:
As we are constantly faced with the problem of poachers, we are continually trying to change our schedules and mix up our times when we send the boats out on patrol. We have once again returned to late night, early morning and all day patrols in the attempt to reduce poaching, and hope that this will result in the apprehension of law breakers who adapted to a previous patrolling schedule. It is a laborious task patrolling with only 2 boats and 4 sets of eyes, but with the help of YOU, the public, who can act as our ears and eyes, contact us on channel 16 or dial 349-4138 when you see foul play. Hopefully, with your help we can increase the efficiency of our patrols.

Dive sites:
On a lighter note, for those residing on Roatan and diving round the West End, you would have noticed that there are 5 new dive moorings just in front of Luna Beach. While some have replaced old sites, i.e. shallow and deep sea quest and turtle crossing, we are currently looking for names for the other sites. Something amusing, witty, catchy, what ever, we are appealing for names. Meanwhile the new mooring buoys we bought with the ICRAN grant are finally getting wet, with most sites within the Park marked. We are constantly looking for new locations for installing new dive sites so all suggestions are welcome. For example, Nick and Greg installed a new mooring just east of Mandy’s Eel Garden now known as “Temptation Reef” due to the double drop off leading to a mysterious abyss difficult to resist.

Upcoming workshop:
From the 27th of February to the 1st of March, preparation of the Watershed Monitoring Protocol for the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) Regional Workshop will take place in Mayan Princess in West Bay. A second workshop on a monitoring protocol for coral reef, mangroves, fish and sea grass will be held from the 2nd to the 8th of March and for this we are looking for 5 more persons who are willing to participate in rapid, wide ranging regional reef assessments. Basically, when called to action, reef assessment teams throughout the entire MBRS will mobilize for a coordinated rapid assessment for the entire region, from the Yucatan to Belize and the Bay Islands. All prospective volunteers must be able to commit long term and should come into the office for more info.

Round up of other issues:
To finish off there are several other final things to mention:
1) The clear plastic recycling program is gradually becoming a reality with a proposed launch date during Seaman Santa. Sponsors for transportation, recycling containers (~100 garbage cans), volunteer uniforms, TV commercials, posters, leaflets, compactor and bailer have all been found.
2) The Marine Park is looking for volunteers to be part of a permanent Volunteer Committee whose responsibilities will be coordinating and organizing projects such as the Dive in Earth Day Festival (art competition, reef clean up, children’s snorkel tour and after party) on the 22nd April. Please let all of your Dams and Instructors know.
3) The new 2007 diver user fee tokens are finally available at the office for a mere $10 as well as the new hospital bracelet-style day passes being sold for $3/piece.
4) A reminder that we now have Biodegradable/Eco-friendly Sunscreens and Insect Repellents for sale in the office.
5) We are launching our Youth Education Program next week. We have 3 instructors who will be visiting many of Roatan’s schools, delivering lessons on ecology, conservation, recycling and waste management.
6) Willard Mann has become a full-time boat captain.

Well that rounds up January. Hope this message finds you all well and that February isn't too cold for those less fortunate not to be on Roatan
Until Next Time!

Respect the Reef,

Nick Bach & Greg Puncher
Sandy Bay & West End Marine Park
Bay Island Diver:
This posting disgusts me, to belittle the activities of this deserving cause with virtually no knowledge of what it does is what makes this self professed expert on Roatan a laughing stock on the island of Roatan amongst many of its long term residents.

This is what I said:
The Marine Reserve is in place (in theory) to pay for North (and West) side mooring and to provide identifiably large fish for visiting divers to log into their books.

It will do good things for the economic growth of the resorts and dive ops. Unfortunately, unlike the very staid and retentive government of Bonaire, Roatan is part of Honduras. This country always makes it into the Top 5 Most Corrupt Nations. Where there is money, there is an argument.

You would figure that something as benneficial as this would have universal buy-in, but then again, you don't know the Honduran mind-set versus someplace like Bonaire.

No, what we have here, at best, is a display of infighting and whining... all on the poster's second post. Says something right there.

I understand that my statements will be regarded as my advocating the killing of puppies,
(Now there was a prediction!) but I have seen Honduras operate up-close and personal. Isn't it indicative enough that they simply do not have universal buy-in and enforcement and that niggling trolls have to post comments designed to provoke?

I am all for the concept of the Marine Reserve. I'd like to see them lay some groundwork and universal rules before they start buying boats and hiring people. As you can see from the provided link, they have no (required local) mandate, no (enforcement) authority, and no clear direction- other than to raise more money.


That is what you took issue with? I stand by what I said.

I support your efforts, as I said- well worth the few dollars to me.

Get a grip on reality, control, as you call them, "your troll friends". Come on back after you get some better results from those "several" busts in January that resulted in one escapee, just one day of community service and your realization that the customs people aren't xeroxing off your regs and handing them out to visitors. Go kick some butt with your mandate. Get full time buy-in from the local government.

I have been around Honduras long enough to know the disconnect between the written and published Laws of the Country of Honduras, versus local support and required action by the local municipality. Then, I'll believe. Until then- you still have my donation.

You got my money and my support, always have. BTW- your list of bracelet sellers is not complete.

Take this opportunity to talk about your new effort, not to argue....

Roatan Marine Park South Side Chapter Information, Fund-Raising

The South Side Chapter of the Roatan Marine Park is brand new, and at this point, we need to raise money for all the great projects we want to implement! Funds for the Marine Park are raised through private donations, the support of local dive shops, and through the sale of tags or wristbands to visiting divers who enjoy our beautiful reefs and wish to help protect them. For the remainder of 2006, the tags and wristbands cost $5/person and are valid for an entire year. Beginning in January, 2007, the cost of the tags and wristbands will increase to $10 per person.

For information on how you can help to support the Roatan Marine Park with a donation or through the purchase of a tag or wristband, contact Dockside Dive Center.

Projects in the Works
Our first official project will be to extend the moorings on the south side of the island, with a goal of 10 additional moorings completed by April 2007. Permanent moorings help to protect the reef by discouraging the dropping of anchors, which quickly and easily destroy the reef.

Future Goals
Our f uture goals include the planning of educational workshops for local divemasters dealing with the "how to's" of dive briefings, buoyancy workshops, diplomatic guest relations, etc. Eventually, funds allowing, we hope to have a building that will act as a "headquarters" for the south side chapter, and be able to support a patrol boat and full time park ranger to aid in the policing of illegal poaching within the park. :quote:

Talk about the good stuff, do not denegrate and dwell on the bad side, attacking one particular resort operator.

I highly recommend buying the tag. Always have.
Just to clarify, the list of sellers of the tags and tokens mentioned in the last posting are the dive shops located within the Sandy Bay, West End and West Bay region. The initial post by the "troll" was in respect to dive shops within this region.
A South side chapter has been established and several dive shops sell the tags and bracelets and their support is greatly appreciated. They have their own agenda and we have high hopes that both our organisations will continue to grow in strength as a team.

I appologise if any of those supporters on the south side felt left out, but this discussion was centered on the Sandy Bay West End Marine Park.

All support is appreciated and just for the record, the website is now up to date and you can read all of our recent newsletters to get an understanding of what we do.
Roatan Marine Park:
All support is appreciated and just for the record, the website is now up to date and you can read all of our recent newsletters to get an understanding of what we do.

Count on my cash contribution in late May. :10:
My prior messages were by no means attacking Luna Beach or Doc, instead they were clarifying what was being discussed in this thread. Rumuor and hear say can be very misinforming and the posts were made to clear up any confussion.

It is Luna Beach's perogative as to whether they wish to sell user fees to their divers. At present it is not mandatory for divers but the majority of dive shops encourage their divers to support the cause and purchase the fashionable tags or bracelets. With no government funding or support, the Park has had to rely on the genrosity of divers visiting the Park and dive shop owners.

The Marine Park appreciates all of its supporters and just like the South Side Chapter, hopes to get all diving business involved and actively supporting.

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