Great writeup....Its not easy gettin into the biz, we have been at it for 8 months already....its alot of work and hard work at that.....We are in the midwest so I dont have to worry about boats or anything, but feel free to call me or PM me with any questions you may have and I would be more than happy to help you out.....ALso, sent me an email, fax, or normal mail, something aobut your OP and rates....Being in the midwest we love to do dive trips and stay active
The best thing I can offer you is to have great customer service. Our Business theory is " Give enough People What They Want and eventually, You Will Get What You Want"
Give great Service, help people, take a loss sometimes if you have to for that better service(hard to do when your scraping for money) make people talk about you and want to hang out with you....
At any given night I have 3-4 Dive Groupies that just hang out at the shop because its their getaway....I love it....They are having fun, they are bringin more fun to customers that walk in the door .....Its all about having fun! Dont lose sight of that
As for the internet, its hard to get an awesome website:
1. Expensive to pay someone
2. Well, if your new, its hard to pay someone to update it and make all the changes so now you have to find the time
3. Others that have been doing this a looong time....ARE doing it better because they have more money to throw at it
What does this mean? Do the best you Can!!! This is a stressfull business.....It will all fall in place if you are having fun and promote a fun business. Trust me...word spreads and other loyal shops customers will start coming to you because you will be doing it better.....
Hope this helps somewhat.....Wow...didnt mean to rant that long....SORRY