Cheekymonkey:already enjoying the story ScubaKevdm
Hey thanks, me too. My hand's starting to hurt though.
So, here's just a little nugget or two that I've come up with concerning the qualities topic. I really feel pretty strongly that you have to be, or at least have someone working for you who is a likable person. Someone who is good with people. After all, diving is pretty social, and for the most part people pay money to go diving on a dive boat to have fun. It's good to have people that are fun to be around running the op, interacting with the people. This is kind of obvious, but here's something that I think is just as important, maybe more... you should have fun customers. Now I know that alot of folks are saying, "How the heck do you have any control of who your customers are?" And in some cases there may not be alot of control, but I bet that there is more than you would think.
You see, here's something that I've noticed;
very boat has a different personality, and this personality is a function of the individual personalities of the crew, and of the policies of the business. So even by operating the business there will be a natural sorting of the customers. Socially, some people like some stuff, some people like other stuff. Some people prefer a boat with a military/adventure personality, some like kinder, gentler boats, some like conservative, some like liberal. So the good news is that whatever kind of boat yours is, some people will probably like it, and in theory will come back. After you've been at it for awhile, you start to accumulate divers with this social dimension in common.
If you look even further into the pool of divers you've accumulated, you might start to recognize people that seem like they would get along really well with other people. If you ask to one or the other "Hey, do you know Thomas Murpleberry, (or whatever the guy's name is)? He's an astronaut too, he dives every Wednesday, you should try to come out, you'd get a kick out of him!" And so, people make friends on the boat. Since you know all the regulars you can kinda help that along, at least if you are good at figuring out who would get along. It makes a big difference, because now people are not only coming to dive with you, they're coming to dive with each other. You are doing your customers a service, because it's more fun to dive on a boat full of friends.
So, in a nut shell, it's good
1) Not to be a butt-head
2) To be able to recognise who will get along and get them together