Hi Dr. Bill,
We did not make it to Santa Barbara due to large swell model. Everyone was informed in advanced. We dove the front side of Catalina. Initially, we attempted to go to the Valiant, however, there was a boat that was 'anchored' over it. From there, we went to Little Farnsworth. There was a bit of a current going, but once we dropped down, things went well. Viz was excellent. I spotted a HUGE Sunflower Starfish. My first in Catalina (I usually see these in Santa Barbara). The second spot we hit was Torquoa Springs. Viz was less than Little Farnsworth, but still a nice dive. The last spot was Hen Rock, which was nice as well with pretty good viz overall. I found an old bottle, so was excited about that when I returned to the boat.
The group of divers were great. No one really complained about us not going to Santa Barbara. I think everyone was going through diving withdrawls. I think the spots that were chosen were good...something for everyone from OW to advanced.
Hope to see you soon, perhaps at the clean up!