Hey Slater, I completely agree! I appreciate all your input on this thread.
Generally speaking, the "main kelp" West of the Cove is not dove from the Cove. It is a LONG kick out... and you find yourself DIRECTLY in the boating lanes, on the surface. Not a good place to be.
90% of the divers who enter via the Cove dive the Cove, buoy A or B area, or points NE or East (preserve area).
That being said, the "main kelp" can be good to dive and has several pinnacle/outcropping areas that are good on a good-vis day. Mostly arrived at via boat though.
By the way, there is plenty of kelp to be encountered within the Cove area... especially out by Buoy A. No need to make the very long trip out to the "main" kelp if all you want is a "kelp experience".