San Andres diving

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How is the diving condition in San Andres ? anyone of you
have an answer ? with all the hurricanes going around ...

I am going next week but haven' t bought anything yet...

thank you for your help

Undercurrents had a story on San Andres a few years ago. There have also been a few threads talking about the island here on SB... try a search to see if there is any useful info in them. Post a dive report when you get back!
Diving there is lovely. Though Beta formed essentially on top of them, I would expect that it wouldn't have done anything significant to the underwater side of things.

I dove with San Andres Divers back in June. Nice bunch of folks and they treated me to some great diving.
The first time I remember seeing San Andres on TV news was recently when they were preparing for the hurricane. I have heard no reports of any damage since, so I hope it survived without any significant damage. Hope you will give us a dive report on your return.
We were there in February and September this year. In September the surface was much calmer and the water a bit warmer than in February. December to March are the choppiest months which can limit excursions to the wall on the south east of the island but with some luck you will still be able to make it there and if not there are plenty of sites on the west side. Visibility was great both times.
hola jfproul

March 23rd my buddy and I head back down to SAI (San Andres Island) for the sixth straight year for two weeks of divin.

SAI is great. The later in the season you go the better and more dive site options.

SAI is actually much closer to Nicaraugua then Colombia. Its about 12 miles long 4 miles wide and has a population of about 30-40 thousand. It is an incredibly safe island with virtually no pan handling or begging.

The people are among the friendliest I've met anywhere and there are lots of shops resturaunts, pubs etc.

The major resorts are a chain of Decameron hotels. The Isleno, the San Luis, the Marazul, the Maryland and my favourite, the Aquarium. There is an amazing website that I also post on as do a growing group of regulars who venture every year to SAI. Its an MSN message board called BigJuices San Andres island. com I post under the same "unclewas" there are lots of underwater photo's under the pictures section and unlimited info and links to the islands businesses.

The diving

Three types or dive locations exist on San Andres. The windward or east side of the island consists of deep geological wall dives. Starting at about 50-60' the walls are verticle rock faces with numerous hard and soft coral growth lots of crevices and semi tunnels starting around 90'. There can be currents. Vis runs in the 80 -100' range and the waters in this region are a consistant 80-82f. These are seasonable dives and usally only attainable from March onward due to the winds. The waves can really kind up and we have dove in 6-8 foot swells but usually by late March they're in the 2-3 foot range.

The leeward (west side) is the calm diving. Accessable all year the typical dive profile begins by dropping to 50' then heading out over a much more shallow wall of hard and soft coral. The drop is somewhat less verticle but you still know its a wall and if you bury your depth gauge in the sand you might hit 140-150'

Over the year we have encounter many large green and spotted moreas, turtles, southern sting rays, trigger fish, nurse sharks, a couple carribbean reef sharks a gorgeous 4 meter great hammerhead and a large population of wild dolphin. (I have included a couple pics of these both here in my gallery and on the Big Juice message board. And of course a whole host of your average run of the mill reef fish.

There are a couple wrecks but nothing to wright home about.

Cayo Bolivar is the third but absolutely the best diving. Less then twenty to thirty divers get out to this place. Number one because of the difficulty in reaching it due to heavy seas and winds. I because it is so remote you need to have a large enough group to cover fuel and other costs.

The island is twenty miles out from San Andres and is about 300 meters long, one hundred meter wide and is home to palm trees, bushes, crabs and small cute lizards. Its almost like the caribbean's version of the Galapogos. We stay overnight in hammocks rigged between the palm trees and sleep under the stars.

Its a four dive two day trip and the reefs are virtually untouched. The place is magical that's all I can say about it.

There are three major dive shops. My personal favourite is a German fellow named Werner(Wernito) he own Karibik divers and a group of us return every year. I've done nearly a hundred dives with him alone and always have a great time. HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO TAKES TRIPS OUT TO CAYO BOLIVAR. The second is Nelson, he is also terrific,,,lots of jokes in broken English and I've done some great one on one diving with just him and I.

The third is a group called San Andres Divers. I haven't dove with them yet but might check them out this year,,,they got some cute dive masters.

Anyway, I'll be more then happy to answer any question. My buddy and I always stay at the Aquarium Resort, its two minutes walk from Wernito dive shop and three minute walk into the main street of town.

cheers and I hope you come down to SAI this year

Hi Drew, I say your post and that you were on SAI in June. Can you tell me where you flew from and what route you had to take. From Toronto our charters flights begin Nov and end in April to the island.

I dove San Andres the first week of December last year and the conditions were great. Water temp was around 82, and my log book estimated visability at 40-80 feet depending on the dive, but I'm notoriously bad at estimating vis.

A group of us went down from Toronto and stayed at the Decameron Aquarium. We dove 5 days and a night with Nelson at Divers Team - I think his office is right on the resort. I liked him a lot. Very personable, very accomodating.

Got back from our first trip a few weeks ago.

Well, I can say it's different. I think that's the word I'll use.

We dove with Werner as well, and we had a good time. I found this trip to be made by the company we met, as opposed to the stellar diving, which it wasn't.

If I ever go again, Wener is our man, no questions there. He's nice and his shop is in the ideal location for us at the Aquarium.

They toss anchors and fish the same areas that we dive in, so the reefs show damage, and the fish life at times is very sparce. We did dives on the East and West side of the island, wih the west side showing more underwater garbage and fishing line (We pulled up quite the amount on one dive) than the east.

It was an eye opener! Oh those poor coral heads! It's not Coz! And we all agreed on that.
I guess it may depend what sites you dive. I didn't see much of the fishing line and anchor damage where we dove.

San Andres is definitely no Coz. If you're expecting Cozumel / PNG / Micronesian class diving you're going to be dissapointed. I enjoyed it though. It's nice to mix things up, and I'd far rather be in the water in San Andres than shivering in the Toronto cold (first snow of the year this morning).

We dove virtually the entire time on the East side of the Island, and saw a number of the usual suspects - triggers, a few butterfly fish, angel fish, a lot of damsels, sting rays, a grouper or two and whole schools of Atlantic Blue Tangs.

There were also a couple of neat walls with trenches and short swim through caves.

The entire week we were there I think we only saw another dive group at one site. The rest of the time we were on our own.

There are a lot of places I'd rather see for the first time - and I'll definitely go back to Coz 10x before I go back to San Andres, but we had a really good group, and I did enjoy it.

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