Safety stop

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Northeast USA
Hopefully not too silly of a question but I will be diving off Coz for the first time soon and was wondering about safety stops. Do the smaller boats that follow your drift have any type of hanging line to aid in these stops? Since these are all drift dives in potentially high traffic areas, I am a bit concerned about drifting away from boat or being positively buoyant as a result of low air.
reefguy04 once bubbled...
Hopefully not too silly of a question but I will be diving off Coz for the first time soon and was wondering about safety stops. Do the smaller boats that follow your drift have any type of hanging line to aid in these stops?


Since these are all drift dives in potentially high traffic areas, I am a bit concerned about drifting away from boat or being positively buoyant as a result of low air.

The boats follow your bubbles. An odd thing I've noticed in Coz is that the current is usually consistant troughout the water colum. When people get low on air and do the safety stop, the generally drift along at the same rate as the people still diving below.

I recomend an SMB for Coz, just to be on the safe side. Wrap 15 feet of line around it with a small weight at the end (like say a clip) and you will have a nice visual referance for your stop and the captain will know to you are on your way so he can keep traffic at bay.

As far as being positively buoyant, weight yourself properly.

reefguy04 once bubbled...
Hopefully not too silly of a question but I will be diving off Coz for the first time soon and was wondering about safety stops. Do the smaller boats that follow your drift have any type of hanging line to aid in these stops? Since these are all drift dives in potentially high traffic areas, I am a bit concerned about drifting away from boat or being positively buoyant as a result of low air.

Ususally, the DM has a safety sausage with a line marked at 15 feet, and the divers will just hang there together for the safety stop. Boat and divers drift. The boat captain hangs back a bit from the float until the divers surface, and then comes in for the pickup. I carry a float of my own, just in case I do get separated, but it's never happened to me.

As to the buoyancy thing, weight yourself so that with BC empty and tank likewise, you won't go positive.
ggunn once bubbled...

Ususally, the DM has a safety sausage with a line marked at 15 feet, and the divers will just hang there together for the safety stop. Boat and divers drift. The boat captain hangs back a bit from the float until the divers surface, and then comes in for the pickup. I carry a float of my own, just in case I do get separated, but it's never happened to me.

With whom do you dive Gordon? Sounds like they make everyone come up at the same time. I don't think I'd like that very much.

James Goddard once bubbled...

With whom do you dive Gordon? Sounds like they make everyone come up at the same time. I don't think I'd like that very much.


Cozumel Equalizers, and no, they don't. The situation varies with the mix of divers and the location. Sometimes the DM will accompany an early finisher and buddy to the surface and then come back down, sometimes he will go to 15 feet with them and leave the float with them. Sometimes he will ascend to 15 feet with the first up and wait there for the rest of us (remember that the water there is so clear that all the divers are in plain view even though some are at depth), sometimes the reef runs out and we do all come up together, sometimes everyone uses their air up at about the same time, etc.... There is no hard and fast rule.
ggunn once bubbled...

Cozumel Equalizers, and no, they don't. The situation varies with the mix of divers and the location. Sometimes the DM will accompany an early finisher and buddy to the surface and then come back down, sometimes he will go to 15 feet with them and leave the float with them. Sometimes he will ascend to 15 feet with the first up and wait there for the rest of us (remember that the water there is so clear that all the divers are in plain view even though some are at depth), sometimes the reef runs out and we do all come up together, sometimes everyone uses their air up at about the same time, etc.... There is no hard and fast rule.

Last time I went down was an LDS trip with Scuba Club. We had the big boat and dove in 3 groups. Every buddy team on the boat had their own SMB and just peeled off as necissary.

As a first time diver in Cozumel, take the time to explain to your divemaster that this is your first dive in Cozumel. Cozumel divemasters deal with this hundreds of a time every year. If you are not going with a buddy, then let the dive shop know as soon as you check in of your experience and buddy needs.

I have taken classes to Cozumel for check out dives several times and new divers on other trips to Cozumel. Communication is the key to a safe and enjoyable trip for everyone.

Also, please do not touch anything underwater. Human oils kill most corals or defense mechanisms of underwater life can cause you harm or discomfort. Leave the beauty for the next diver.

Hope you have a great trip. We will be back in December.

Plmbrok- paying for trips
Some dive operators in Coz send down 2 DMs with groups - one leads and the other in the tail end. One will deploy their marker at 15ft and stay with you at your safety stop should you find yourself ascending before everyone else. Carry your own smb and use it. yes, the boat will follow your bubbles. no, the boat doesnt drop a 15ft bar. I think the most important is to pay attention to the brief for the kind of dive and express any concerns so at least more than 1 set of eyes will be on you. Have fun
Get a Safty Sausage tube and practice with it before you go. I was there with my son in August and the the boats were following the bubbles. At 100 feet my son was down to 500 psi so we left the group early. We shot a lift bag and went on up at the surface we were a distance from our boat and the waves were 1 - 2 ft. I blew up the sausage and the extra 3 feet pointing up over the bag saved us from being hit by another dive boat!

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