We give the same advice to our guests, about the scorpions. All of our apts. have enclosed or semi-enclosed back porches with dry lines. The majority of our guests hang wet suits, skins, and sometimes regs, BCD's bathing suits, etc. Never had a problem.
The thing with the scorpions is that there are 2 kinds on island (I am aware of), neither will kill you. A light sand color one just causes a lot of pain when stung, and you may experience some site irritation. The more brown sandy one's venom is a little more toxic and may give you stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting. Normally they are not a problem, but when it rains, they RUN for anyplace dry. They are so tiny you won't see them enter your room, or you may bring them in to your room. They will look for dark "warm" places to hide, so booties are their fav place!
Oh also, if you are allergic to bees, wasps, etc, and do get stung, go to the clinic and get a benadryl shot and anti-venom shot, so your vaca will not be ruined. My son is allergic to bees, he got stung by a scorpion and had his typical "bee" reaction. Took him to the ER, they have him 2 shots, he slept for 10 hours, then woke up feeling great, and continued enjoying his vaca.