Russian 1971 diving manual wanted

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Seahouses, Northumberland, England
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5000 - ∞
I'm looking for a PDF of the 1971 russian diving manual
preferably translated into English if anyone has a copy they would be willing to share.
I'm doing research on russian 3 bolt standard dress and translating from the paper manual is very slow going so if anyone can help id be truly grateful 🙏
and I would be just as greatful for English translations of the IDA-64a also Kn-4 thank you.
I'm looking for a PDF of the 1971 russian diving manual View attachment 717854 preferably translated into English if anyone has a copy they would be willing to share.
I'm doing research on russian 3 bolt standard dress and translating from the paper manual is very slow going so if anyone can help id be truly grateful 🙏
Try the Google translate app on your phone or tablet, it's great for translating paper manuals.

If you scan to pdf, there are some ok free online translation sites that can do it.

Between these two, I was able to glean most of what I needed from a kn4 manual.
Anyone that finds a diving manual of any navy in pdf format is encouraged to upload it. We are collecting them in the ScubaBoard Download Library.

I'm looking for a PDF of the 1971 russian diving manual View attachment 717854 preferably translated into English if anyone has a copy they would be willing to share.
I'm doing research on russian 3 bolt standard dress and translating from the paper manual is very slow going so if anyone can help id be truly grateful 🙏
There appears to be a PDF of the title in Russian you are looking for at The PDF seems to have been created as an image scan, i.e. it is not text based and does not come with optical character recognition (OCR) enabled. You would still be able to upload the PDF to a free optical character reader online such as NewOCR at Free Online OCR - Convert JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PDF, DjVu to Text.

I did a year's worth of evening classes during the 1960s to get started in Russian and I have a modest library of Soviet diving books. What I normally do is to use my printer to scan the text in image format, post it to New OCR online, setting the language to Russian for OCR purposes and downloading the output into Word on my PC or laptop, where I already have a Microsoft Russian spellchecker add-on to reveal any misreadings. When copying and pasting into Google Translate, the latter does a relatively good job these days with renderings from Russian into English as long as you know your subject-matter terminology.
Do you have access to a scanner, such as a Canon multifunction device in a public library, in a school or at your workplace?

Measure the book and select a scanning area that's slightly larger. Use 400 dpi resolution and OCR (optical character recognition). You will want a high enough resolution in order for the character recognition to work properly. I hope it works with cyrillic letters... Use "Scan and Store" mode of operation. If "Scan to Email" is your only option, then scan max 20 pages at a time. You can stitch them together later. Email does not always accept huge attachments.
Attached. Got it from torrent so no guarantees.

As others said you'll have to run it through an OCR and see what happens.


The file Dmaziuk has so helpfully attached to his post is identical in size and content to the PDF at I referred you to in my earlier message.

I passed the PDF's "aquatic suits" (ГИДРОКОСТЮМЫ) information on pages 70-71 through New OCR and there were very few errors in the output. Here is a cropped screenshot of the captioned image of the GKP-4 drysuit on page 70 of the PDF:
And here is the text-format version of the Figure 33 caption after running the PDF page through New OCR set to Russian and then through Word with the Russian spellchecker enabled:

Рис. 33. Гидрокостюм ГКП-4: 1 — замок; 2 — подшлемник; 3 — очки; 4 — штуцер; 5 — фиксатор; 6 — наружная манжета куртки; 7 — внутренняя манжета куртки; 8 — резиновая вставка; 9 — помочи; 10 — манжета штанов; 11 — герметизирующее кольцо; 12 — резиновый жгут; 13 — пояс; 14 — лепестковый клапан

Text can be easily copied from Word (ctrl-C) and pasted (ctrl-V) into Google Translate, but do remember you may have to correct the English terminology for a perfect result.

If you only want a few pages of the PDF OCR'ed, let me know which ones and I'll even try and do a little of the job for you: anything to help a fellow Northumbrian!:)
and I would be just as greatful for English translations of the IDA-64a also Kn-4 thank you.
For what it's worth, I only found information about the IDA-64 in Ye. P. Shikanova's 1973 diving manual entitled Справочник ВОДОЛАЗА (literally: Diver's Handbook). Here is a diagram of the device in the book with the caption afterwards converted to text by New OCR and spellchecked in MS Word:
Рис. 3.25. Кислородный изолирующий дыхательный аппарат ИДА-64:
1 — клапанная коробка; 2 — дыхательный мешок; 3 — дыхательный автомат; 4 — выносной манометр; 5 — баллон с редуктором; 6 — травяще-предохранительный клапан; 7 — кожух; 8 — регенеративные патроны

I don't have the subject knowledge of such devices to be able to render the Russian accurately into English. Google Translate will give you some idea of the nomenclature. You might also find the English-language Soviet Manual of Scuba Diving by S. Ye. Bulenkov et al. (University Press of the Pacific, 2004) of some use in getting Russian diving gear terminology correctly translated, although the book doesn't have anything on the IDA-64. Hope this helps.
I don't know enough about rebreathers, but 1 is valve or possibly valve cover (lit. valve cork/stopper), 2 is "breathing bladder" (counterlung?), 3 is "breathing automaton" (stage?), 4 is SPG, 5 is "cylinder with reducer" (?), 6 is vent/OPV EDIT: bleed/safety valve is the better translation, 7 is cover, and 8 is "regeneration cartridges": scrubbers.

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