RR Bridge?

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Anyone interested in diving the RR bridge in Point Pleasant? I just took a peek at the tide tables for July, and it looks like there will be decent times for slack high tide. I have been dying to go back there since I went on a specimen hunt with Jenkinson Aquarium last year. It's shallow (bring extra weight!) and there's a lotta current, but it's a very easy entry, and it's really fab diving around the pilings. A macro photographer's dream.
Does anyone else have any experience with this site? I am not sure what the SOP is for midsummer. I'd realy like to find out though.
Anyone care to go? My tanks have been dry for way too long, I am afraid they will crumble into dust soon.
You use to park at the 7-11 store and suit up and walk over to the inlet. You should get about 30-40 minutes of good diving at slack tide.

Timing is everything. I will be in Florida (diving) from 2 July to 21 July). I may have a day next week to do a dive.

I will be at Dutch on 26 June. Come on out and dive with the other fine ladies I will have with me.
I'm up for it. When were you thinking?

How shallow?

Like drifting backwards and using you fins to steady you strong or holding onto the bottom for dear life strong?
I have only done this dive once, but the way it was at the time, it's pretty much "kick like hell" strong right under the bridge. You can still anchor yourself and look at the coolness that's growing on the pilings though, without having your gear sucked off of your body by the current. Out and around the bridge is less so, but the current's always there. And that's slack tide. You get sucked under the bridge and then you have to power your way back. It's not terrible, but it's a little bit of a workout. Totally worth it, in my brief experience.
It's very shallow. I don't think it gets any deeper than 20', tops.
I was thinking some Saturday, (I work a 9-5 job) and after the 4th. Slack tides are mid-afternoon then when vis is at the max (assuming there's sun!)
The water will be warmish there, maybe in the mid to hi 60s, (someone who knows better than me, correct me if I am wrong!) so you might only need a shorty, depending on your wimpiness factor.
A shorty? Please tell me you are kidding!!!!
A shorty? Please tell me you are kidding!!!!
Well, no, actually not. Everyone has their cold threshold, and mine is pretty high I guess. *shrug*
I loathe being overdressed, being hot makes me feel all oogey. I'd probably opt for a 7 mm shorty over a halfmil suit for water in the high 60s.
I was in there Sunday, there were about 30 students and PP rescue squad members so the vis sucked, maybe 3' except under the bridge which was better.
The trick there is to enter just before slack high tide (don't believe the tide charts) and let it take you under the bridge (20'), turn right and explore the old brick pile (15') which was the old bridge, maybe follow the channel toward the rt 35 bridge looking in the holes, this is shallow (7') and next to a marina so have a flag up, if you timed it right you can ride the tide back home.
I plan on going this sat and sun (6/26-6/27) I dive this place all the time it's cheap (free:) and only about 1/2 drive. Shoot me an e-mail and maybe we can meet. I am also looking to do the Shark River Inlet I have not done it yet but everybody tells me it's a great spot around 20 ft vis. You cxan only do Shark River before 8am and after 5:30 pm I think the tide will be right this Tue. 6/29 I plan on making that too.
What are the water temps at the bridge, you guys?

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