Round Valley

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Reaction score
Staten Island, NY
# of dives
50 - 99
Has anyone been to Round Valley. A few friends and me are interested in it but never dove there. Any information on it? Is there really a "city" under the water there?
Thanks in advance.
There's only one place you can dive Round Valley from shore. That's what they call dive site 1. It's over by the boat ramp. You can get down to about 50-60 feet easily from shore. There's not much to see there. Just barren silty bottom. There is a platform in about 20' of water where a lot of fish hang out. There is also some vegetation in about 15' of water where some fish hang out. The nice thing about Round Valley is that it's a cheap place to get wet. $5/diver and you're in. The "city" foundations may be there, but they are in an area only accessible by boat and are covered in so much silt, you'd never find them. There are no standing buildings.

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