Rookie Wreckers first NJ dives

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11 of us went out on the Outlaw Saturday, including 4 Wreck Valley rookies. Originally had 5 us, but one couldn't make it after some problems carrying his rig out to his car Friday night!!!

We all met at the boat about 6:15am, not knowing if we were even going out. Friday's forecast called for 7' seas, but when I checked around 5:00am it said 2-3 feet. The crew shows up and says were good to go, so we load up gear. After a few problems with the boat we finally head out maybe about 15 minutes behind schedule. It was cold and raining non-stop all the way out. The smart divers got right into their undergarments to warm up.

As we approached the site the skies finally cleared up a little and the rain stopped. We originally planned to dive on the Stolt, but there was a fishing boat anchored there already. Damn fishing boats, don't they know wrecks are for diving, not fishing! There was also a boat on the Algol, so we decided to dive the Coney Island.

Swells were about 3' on the wreck. One diver was out before we even got to the wreck. All the rookies except for one lost it before the first dive, which I almost didn't make. It seemed to take forever to gear up. I'd get one piece of gear on really quick, then have to sit down and stare at the horizon for a few minutes and convince myself to move on to the next step. I was in the last group to go in, there were 3 of us. Sylvester was helping get my sorry ass' gear to the platform. He carries my pony back, then turns to me and starts gagging in my face. At first I think he's busting on me, but then he leans over the rail and feeds the fishes. Wow and he was fine just 2 seconds ago!!! I call the dive at this point, and tell them to just go without me.

Then as he's about to go in I decide I'm doing it. So he says they'll wait for me on the line at 15'. As our second buddy (sorry, forgot his name) is jumping in, it hits me. BLAAAAAAAHHHH! Right over the other side of the boat. But hey, I feel a little better now, so I grab a quick drink, finish gearing up and I'm in. I get down to 15' pretty quick, but no one is there. I guess between taking too long and seeing me chum the seas, they figured I wasn't coming.

At this point I do something stupid. Yeah I know, I know, please don't flame me. I continue going down! I figure they can't be far ahead, plus I feel much better now, and my only other option is to go back up on the rocking boat that I was sick on just a few minutes ago. No thanks!

Vis is low as I'm descending, only about 5'. As I'm going down and Carl and John, the first team in, passes me on their way back up. Now I realize how dumb what I'm doing is and decide maybe I should go up, but just then, vis clears up that I can make out the other divers below me. I figure, I'll just latch onto Jay or Rob, who I can easily recognize with their doubles, about 30' from me, but just then Sylvester comes up on my left and gives me the ok. Just a minute later Adam gives all us rookies the thumbs up. Awwwww, but I just got here! But at least we were the last group in, so I stayed with Sylvester, let the others go up first, and at least got a few minutes of bottom time.

After a pretty long surface interval only half of us did the second dive. Seas were starting to pick up a little at that point, probably up to 5' on the way back in. I opted out of the second dive also. I really wanted to go in, especially after my first dive only being about 20 minutes, but at this point I felt really tired. I didn't really feel sick anymore, just weak and a little light headed if I stood up, probably from eating almost nothing all day. But the 2 cherries I ate, that Jay (the comedian) brought came right back up, so I really couldn't eat even if I wanted to.

It was about 44 degrees at 100', vis was about 50', no noticable current. No lobsters, but Wes came up with a few scallops, when he went down to free the anchor.

All in all it was a good day. Cherries were popped...cookies were tossed...and we all can't wait to get back out. Us rookies just need to get our sea legs now!!!

Surface shots are up. Hopefully Xjae will put his up soon. I think he got a few UW shots too.
Accurate discription, It was fun even if it was a painful dive but those waves were bigger then 5ft, they were 5ft after the 1st dive as I bobbed on the surface chumming through my reg. Which I meant to do so that I could note in my log book I practiced that skill. I am still sore from......... well, feedin the fishes.

11 of us went out on the Outlaw Saturday, including 4 Wreck Valley rookies. Originally had 5 us, but one couldn't make it after some problems carrying his rig out to his car Friday night!!!
Oh, after reading that, I think I'm going to be sick.
A few of us tried to get out on the Spring Tide, yesterday. The captain said conditions were shaky, but we could go for the ride & take a peek. Well, that was some ride! No roller coaster could match the ride we took. The swells were well over the height of the salon roof. My first ride on an NJ Dive boat & I was having flashbacks to "The Perfect Storm".

We were figuring to dive the Spartan, Upon stopping, it looked like a we were in a blender. What horizon?!? I started getting the sweats, just standing in the salon. A little fresh air helped. Nobody made chum, but a few of us looked a little pale.

The capt did the wise thing & called the dive. Assuming we were able to get into the water, it was really doubtful we'd be able to climb the ladder out. Conditons were just way too rough. We'll try again on 7/11. I think some Bomine may be in order next time.

We had a full boat on Sunday from L.B.I. Scuba so even though I was doubtful at what I saw with the sustained wind speed and direction the forecast from NOAA was saying it was going to be diveable. Leaving the inlet we took one right over the bow rail, that's about 9 ft. from the water surface at the dock, at 8 knots and three miles of taking it right on the nose with solid 6-7's we decided on bacon and eggs at the dinner instead of lobster and scallops on the wreck.
Don't worry about you and your friends experiencing the "technicolor yawn" this past weekend they were some sloppy seas and would have gotten a few veterans sick.

Welcome to North Atlantic SCUBA diving!

Better seas next time for you guys,
Capt. Rob
this was one of only two weekends of the season that i couldnt go out. we had guest spending a few days and i was told to entertain them. i was bummed and attempted lies and deceit in order to get on a boat to no avail (yes, im a wonderful husband). the fact that i'd resort to lying to my family to go dive is sad. what is truly sick is that i was actually sort of happy the weather sucked. this way i knew i wasnt missing much.

im a sick man who doesnt deserve to dive with any of you. but because this is an anonymous board you'll never know!!!
Accurate discription, It was fun even if it was a painful dive but those waves were bigger then 5ft, they were 5ft after the 1st dive as I bobbed on the surface chumming through my reg. Which I meant to do so that I could note in my log book I practiced that skill. I am still sore from......... well, feedin the fishes.

11 of us went out on the Outlaw Saturday, including 4 Wreck Valley rookies. Originally had 5 us, but one couldn't make it after some problems carrying his rig out to his car Friday night!!!

WOW! I guess those seas picked up getting west of us. I went out on Sea Hawk from Freeport LI,
It didn't seem as bad as you guys are describing. Capt Frank did say that based on the seas and predictions it was going to be a one dive day.
We went to the Eureka which is somewhere south of Jones Inlet. Its about hour and half ride from the inlet. Capt John went down to set the hook. As soon as the cup came up and the "pool was open" I was in the water.
The vis was about 40 ft and the temp on the bottom warmed up substantially since last week and was a wopping 43 deg. Although it seemed that no one had hit this wreck so far this season (that we know of) there was no lobster to be found. I did find two but they were too small.
After 35 min on the bottom it was time to come up, besides how many times could you go around the same wreck (its not that big).
If there was a day to use a jon line this was it. To do a hang (or safety stop) and hang on the anchor line would have wrenched your arm right out of the socket.
One of the divers was doing little spear fishing, He was last in and last out. He was asking if anyone bumped him while he was on the line. The answere was no. He then believed that what he felt was one of the blue sharks he saw circleing him. He indicated he anxiously watched his clock to see exactly when he was clear to ascend and made a mad dash to the ladder. A half hour later his heart was still pounding.

About this time the seas were slightly snotty (from my view). Just how bad it was on the ride back I don't really know as I slept right up till we were inside the inlet.
As our second buddy (sorry, forgot his name) is jumping in, it hits me. BLAAAAAAAHHHH! Right over the other side of the boat. But hey, I feel a little better now,

I was SURE you guys wouldn't go out. I was shocked when Jay called the shop from the boat on the way in. We ended up at Dutch, figuring the weather got the best of your dive trip. I heard vis was good and seas were fairly flat. Now I with I made the boat :05:

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