Rodales Scuba Diving - Lessons For Life

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grunzster: that's why it doesn't actually say Rodales anywhere in the mag anymore. :D
You could always edit your original post and make me look like a complete fool. Wouldn't be the first time it happene :D d.
That thought did cross my mind, but it's too old to edit.
October 2005 "Caught in a Trap"

Are these stories even real?
They claim they're based off of real events in the magazine, but I'm not so sure.

I spent 10 days diving with Mike Ange last year and I think his integrity and professionalism was excellent. I was very impressed with his attitude and skills as an instructor, and I couldn't imagine him making stories up to fill a column. He just doesn't come across as that type of person...he didn't need to "one-up" everyone to get their respect.

As for this story, I have no knowledge of this event but I was there when another one of the stories in the magazine took place and that article was an exact recount of what happened. It was in the mag probably about 1 year ago and it was entitled "bad breath" and it was an interesting article, especially since I watched it happen.
I just read this article. (not really sure how i got a subscription)

I didn't see NJ or North East mentioned anywhere, it just says East Coast.
Judging from the visibility comment, I would guess somewhere between NC and Fla.
Not that I could find a related news article.

I did think "dangerously close to mandatory decompression" was an odd statement to follow ""undertaking his first staged decompression dive".
Oops!!! Ok so I'll let the comment about the vis slide.
On a lighter note, this month's issue lists NY as one of top 10 best cities for divers. We all know Wreck Valley is one of the best places to live as a diver, the part I thought was cool though, was that they actually suggest doing a protest dive off Beach 9th by using the hole in the fence.
Yeah I did see that too. Speaking of shore dives, we need to make another attempt at the dual wrecks this winter!
[Continue hijack]
Unless someone else carries my gear to the site, tows me out and deflates my wing you can count me out.
[end hijack]

[Begin new hijack] of 10/2 the PPB RR bridge is now the home of some giant floating crane complete with some sort of boom. That dive site looks like it is closed til further notice.
[end hijack 2]
He says that now, but wait until we plan the dive. On the other hand if we count Frank out, maybe the waves really won't be that big, and we'll actually find the wrecks!

Yeah I noticed that crane thing on the way home after the Arundo/Benson trip.

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