Rock to Turbo Boots

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Chicago, IL
Has anyone had there DUI suit altered from rock boots to the turbo soles? I hate the rock boots, and currently use a bootie over it but would like thoughts on the turbo sole and if it can be fitted on a TLS350.
Are the turbo soles a different type of sole on the Rock boots or is it a completely different system style (but with neoprene sock and external boot)? I'm not a big fan of Rock Boots either since I don't find them very comfortable. I was just in my LDS and they had a new boot system there by SeaSoft. They looked super comfy and low profile. I'm going to see if they will let me take them out for a spin and I'll let you know. Whites also has a similar boot sysem. The seasoft boots are not on their website yet. This doesn't answer your question but i hope this give you other boot options.
You can send your Suit into DUI. They can take the rock boots off and intall the turbo soles. I had this done over the winter. I want to say it cost between 250-300 dollars. It's on their website.

Rock boots suck. They cramped my feet, dont fit in XL SP jet fins, have laces that could catch on something, are easily forgotten at home. One more thing to do when gearing up....

Turbo soles are the way to go.
I've been struggling with the Rock boots all Spring now and thought it was just me.
I bought new fins but found my foot flopped around from side to side in the 1/2 pocket of the Apollo Prestige.
Next, I bought another pair of fins (Mares Quattros)and the boot still doesn't fit perfectly but it is better - the fin pocket is too long now but fits well in height and width.
The problem now is in order to get the boots to fit snuggly I had to use extra socks or a neoprene sock with a wool sock. I even tried the DUI sock (too much money) and my feet were totally wedged (uncomfortable) in the boot. My feet froze in 40 degree water but I did have more contact between the boot and my foot.
So now I'm using the boots with just one pair of wool socks and they are comfortable and I still have blood circulation to my feet.
The problem is the boots move around on my foot too much when I'm finning so I have less control in the water.
I've been thinking to try using a neoprene boot over my sock but then I'm concerned I'll have to use ankle weights because of floaty feet.
I have forgotten my boots once and now I double or triple check everytime I leave (oh, no, Rock Boots are giving me OCD).
I'm frustrated and would welcome suggestions on how to solve this problem.
Gee, Barb, it sounds like your Rock Boots are too large. I like mine okay, although they are really a tight fit in my fin pockets.
The soles are better for walking on rocks than the DUI turbo soles. I like not having large foot airspace, so that I can easily stand on my head without getting a lot of foot lift. However, they are not as good for finning as my wetsuit boots.

The change to Turbo soles should be around $100-150.

I am going to send mine in soon to have the same thing done. I dont like the Rock Boots either. They are good for somethings, but I am irritated that my Jet fins no longer fit.

SHould be a cheap fix...
I'll be the black sheep on this one, I had the turbo sole's on my CF200, I found that because I do ALOT of beach dives with my clasess the stitching between the soles and the suit was wearing apart and cuased minor leaks that drove me nuts having damp feet. I have since swithced to rock boots with no further problems. Also the turbo soles on mine had less rubber on the soles than the average tennis shoe. Watch out for Sting Rays!
The Turbo Soles are just that, soles that are glued onto the bottom of the neoprene "socks" that came with your Rock Boots equipped DUI drysuit.

To my knowledge they don't make seperated Turbo Sole boots and then attach them to your drysuit. The suit is built with the socks and then they glue the Turbo soles on.

The problem with the Turbo soles is getting ones that fit. DUI seems to want to make absolutely sure that the boot is big enough for you to fit your feet into so they tend to be oversized. I would recommed sketching your foot pattern onto a piece of paper and then indicating to DUI that the only insulation you plan on wearing on your feet is is thin Patagonia polypro.

For longer life of the boots, I suggest painting the top forward 2-3 inches of the boot with tool dip.

Marc Hall

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