Finally if u talked to others, ie The owners of CasaBlkanca, they experienced a similar situation and said that it is rapant on the island.
I've been to Bonaire once and here's what I saw.
I had dinner at the outdoor Casablanca restaurant last year and watched a local man walk by a woman eating dinner, reach over a railing, grab her purse off of her chair and run off. Everybody that saw it including the waitress stood up and screamed at him. The waitresses were screaming some word that means thief in their language. 15 seconds later, the male waiters or cooks ran out of the restaurant after him. 2 minutes later the police came and drove all over the place up and down the streets and asking questions.
After it happened, the waitresses said the same thing about it being rampant on Bonaire and went back to work as if nothing happened.
That just made me sick and angry. I'm talking about the blatant "robbery". Call it whatever word you like.
If you look on the ground at some of the dive sites, you'll see broken glass. At 1000 steps, there was broken glass on the ground in 2 places over 15 feet apart so it had to be from 2 different cars, but I'm not going to get into that discussion again as it's being beaten to death here on this ABC site.
The fact remains, if you want to dive on Bonaire, you have to take more precautions than anywhere else I've ever dived in my life. I'm not going to get into discussions about how bad it is elsewhere either. What's the difference if it's worse somewhere else? I've never had to leave my windows down instead of up and locked anywhere but Bonaire. I love the diving in Bonaire but hate the lack of the enforcement against theft and burglary whether its too few cops, or crooked cops, or lazy cops, or weak laws, or if some of you think it's just not all that bad compared to all of the other places you've been! You just have to figure it all in when making the trip and some of us feel it's worth it, and some of us don't.
Until those that think it's not all that bad have it happen to themselves or see it happen to someone else, there will always be those that play it down and compare it to some place else.
And until the police and the city do more about the theft, and change the laws and enforce them, or divers decide that they've had enough, nothing will ever change.
Some will still go and will take precautions, and some will still get their stuff taken.
But if you ask any diver who's been around awhile, "which dive location is most known for it's theft", see if 9 out of 10 don't say Bonaire. And if everyone seems to already know that, why is it still happening and being reported? It may be worse than you think because everyone is ALREADY being careful, and they're still getting ripped off. Read all of these posts about theft. The person was already hiding his stuff, locking his door, taking precautions.
It just sucks that the diving is so good there, and that's why many people still put up with the place. I'll probably go back, stay at Plaza Resort again where you have to stop at a guard shack just to get into the parking lot, and hope that no one breaks into my room and steals my stuff. And I'll leave my truck windows open and take only what will go under water with me. And I'll hope that one day, things just somehow change on that island.