My gratitude goes to Rob and his family, and those with pertinent knowledge of this accident willing to share information. Let us try and do the best analysis possible based on the information we can obtain. This is something that, everyone willing to contribute in this manner for the possible benefit of other divers is deserving of. In the end, if we can achieve an exemplar model of the analytical process and derive a more detailed account of events, which would not only be in addition to, but also enhance any personal lessons individual divers may find, or any suggested changes in widespread practices - it would be a worthy step in the right direction, and the least we owe to Rob and family from my perspective.
Before going off into educated speculation about what could have happened here and there, lets try and fill in some of the missing or questionable chain of events and their timeline, as well as try and gather pertinent missing information. Let's solidify believed facts.
It would be greatly helpful if drmike, and anyone else with pertinent information was willing to make themselves available here to answer further enquiry, or at least to relay the info through others.
From the mentioned article on Divernet.
Sheryl, Rob's widow:
"We know he released his weightbelt and ascended very rapidly. I was told
[that] ten minutes after the divers went down, the boat crew found him floating face
From first post:
He was seen by crew just under the surface unresponsive
Somewhat different accounts regarding buoyancy, maybe we can get a definitive account that would eliminate the buoyancy issue. Just to reiterate a point.
He was seen by crew just under the surface unresponsive
We send out a zodiac and dragged him on board and brought him back to boat
we tried cpr but he was gone, no pulse not breathing
Per Dr Mike's account from first post, dive time according to computer was 4 minutes. This indicates he lost consciousness or responsiveness within aprox 6 min of reaching the surface, since per buddy's account he was seen swimming at surface. How long was he observed at surface by buddy?
Any foaming visible upon recovery or other telling signs?
What was the time from spotting to checking pulse and breathing?
How far away from the boat was he spotted? Area of descent relative to boat, to where he was found? Currents? What were surface and depth conditions?
I assume, which others may be able to confirm, he had various surface signal devices. No mention of usage.
He surfaced, there is no account of any deployed or noticed signal for help, (can we verify this?) was seen swimming towards boat by buddy. I'm assuming buddy could see both he and the boat, or deduced boats location.
Probable scenario: Even if experiencing some sort of distress, he likely thought he could safely make it to the boat without inconveniencing anyone. Though at some point during the aprox. six min. surface interval he probably suffered rapid incapacitation of some type, unable to call for assistance. It's possible audible signal tool usage may have been missed, or vocal or visual arm waving.
Maybe our medical experts, or others, can rather conclusively eliminate or point towards certain medical complications if we are able to establish a more precise timeline, and symptoms upon recovery.
Regarding buddy issues, unless he is willing to share pertinent dive plan information, no blame can be conclusively placed on him. If he does share this information, it’s also possible he could conclusively, satisfactorily, be absolved of any wrongdoing, as per his account reinforced by the knowledge of those who have buddied with Rob in the past.
From what we know of buddies account its safe to say he did not notice any distress. From Rob’s bail out to ascent to swimming towards boat. Except for the actual bail out situation. Can we confirm that ascent rate was normal? Has anyone seen his dive
computer dive profile. Is this info available.?
Since I do not know about rebreathers I would encourage those who do to further enquire and comment regarding what they consider to be pertinent information. And fill in some blanks when possible relating some degree of probability.
I hope we can all work together without seriously offending anyone.