Roatan - illness?

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Thanks, everyone, for your advice. We're definitely going to Roatan, as we've already paid quite a bit to reserve the spot. I never really considered not going due to risk of illness. Rather, I wanted to know if I should take the all the precautions outlined on CDC website. The info the CDC gives out sometimes sounds worse than it really is, and I was hoping that was the case for Roatan. I think I'll skip the malaria prophylaxis and take my chances on that. Probably will get the Hep vaccine, bring some DEET and immodium, and hope for the best. I can hardly wait to go - too bad it's 7 months away.
Just got back from AKR (oct 23rd). My wife nor myself got any vaccinations, antibiotics, etc prior to leaving. One couple we met got just about every vaccine known to man, and looked terrified when they learned that we had not.

We took DEET. We didn't even need it until the sun was just at the horizon. Forgot one evening and got bitten about 100 times.

Last I checked, I'm not dead. Not sure about the wife.

In all seriousness, we didn't have much problems with bugs, or water - drank it at every meal (and thensome). Bring DEET, and Cortizone. The cautious ones will get the vaccinations.

p.s. Today, I drove in my car on the highway without a helmet.... Tomorrow, I might just do it again.... Yep, I'm a risk-taker.:)
What official or recognized health sources/statistics are the basis for your opinion?

Best regards.


The basis of my opinion is simply my own experience, 16 days drinking the water, bathing and the likes, without incident. Nothing official, just an opinion.

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