Roatan and Utila compared to Asia

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Most diving I did was in Asia, mainly in The Philippines and Indonesia. But I also want to try some other places and I was thinking abaut a combination of Roatan and Utila. Maybe someone can tell me how the diving at these islands compare to Asia. Is it less, better or about the same quality? Hope someone can tell me.
I couldn't agree more with ocdiver1. There are other things that might recommend Roatan/Utila to you though. However, based on straight across comparison of the diving . . .there's really no comparison.
My worst dive in the Philippines was better than my best dive in Utila.
For those of us who live in the U.S., Roatan is a much closer destination and therefore much more affordable and convenient. The quality of the diving in Roatan is some of the finest in the Caribbean IMHO. But it is just not fair to compare the quality of Roatan/Utila diving with the Pacific venues you mention...they're just totally different.

I think if you want a good sample of Caribbean diving, Roatan and Utila would be ideal locations to check out. If you are looking for something "better" than Indonesia and/or the Phillipines, you'll be looking for a long time :D I would definitely suggest that you go and dive Roatan, but don't have any pre-conceived judgements about what you will find. Go with the attitude that you are going to expand your diversity by exploring a different area of the world to expand your knowledge of the world's oceans. I think you will like what you find there!
I should rephrase, because in fact, I *have* done a number of dives in SE Asia, that were *far worse* than anything I've dove in the Caribbean. Have also done some SE Asia dives that were equally enjoyable, just different. And now non-indigenous Lionfish are making a serious impact on the beautiful reef fishies in the Caribbean. boo

The real problem comes from comparing Sipadan/Mabul to Roatan. :wink:
And there is the rub...the big comparison, this part of the world to that part of the world, this dive site to that dive site. For me, I take my enjoyment out of just being underwater and going with the flow. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know most Caribbean destinations are not going to be as lush as Asia, the South Pacific, or Philippines. Even within the Caribbean there are some dive sites "better" than others, but so what...? Even in Indonesia there are lush sites that abound with soft corals or on the other end of the scale, muck dive sites that are waht the name suggests...muck. So why compare...? For me, it just leads to disappointment in some manner and who wants to plan a dive trip, pay big bucks for all the expenses, go through the hassles of airports and TSA, and get to some foreign destination just to be disappointed...? On my Little Cayman trip a couple of weeks ago, while all the other divers were scurrying around looking for "stuff," I went out into the blue a distance off the wall and just bobbed around at about 60 feet for 20 minutes, and just took in the expanse of the blue and the wall. Kind of like taking the time to "smell the roses" under water. How would I compare that to my dive buddies dives...? I would not. I personally leave my expectations at home and am always suprised by the ocean on every trip.

So is Asia better than Roatan or Utila...? Of course not, but is Asia different from Roatan or Utila...? Yes of course!

The real questions are, what to you want to see and how much do you want to spend.

Happy bubbles where ever you may dive!

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Yes, you can have lousy or worthwhile dives anywhere. You can enjoy something about every dive. (I like muck dives, as long as there's critters in that muck.) But I think it's important for someone to know what they're getting into and not just say "it's all good" - especially people who do not get to travel frequently. I believe most of us are talking about what people typically experience on average when they go to a well known dive destination and have a local dive op take them to what are presumably the good dive sites in their area.

Thing is, I think sometimes divers from places other than N America come onto SB, and read the many raves about various Caribbean destinations and not as much about other places, and may not immediately realize some of the following:

1) There are a lot of reports about the Caribbean because a lot of folks on the board are from North America, and it's closer, so it's where we mostly go. And we mostly go to a handful of places, or at least those are the ones that get written about a lot.

2) Folks writing these reports frequently haven't been diving elsewhere, and may have only gone to one Caribbean destination even if many times.

3) Some folks have been other places, but are reviewing using a "Caribbean" rather than "worldwide" scale, and this is rarely explicitly mentioned. I think it's important for someone considering a trip to the other side of the planet to understand the concept of "Caribbean vs worldwide scales."

When I see someone for whom going to one of the great Indo-Pacific dive destinations is actually cheaper and easier than going to the Caribbean, but is looking at the Caribbean possibly because so many people rave about various places there, or simply because it's someplace different, I think it is good if they understand the context. Otherwise they might be very disappointed. If they understand the differences and still want to check out places in the Caribbean, great.

I live on the East Coast of North America, so most of my dive travel is to the Caribbean. But aside from the travel and expense, I would much prefer to be diving in other parts of the world. Would I still want to do that without the biodiversity, and what I have found to be generally more interesting and varied diving in many other places? Maybe for the culture, for the sake of going someplace different, but maybe not if diving was my main consideration. Is the Caribbean as exotic and interesting to someone who frequents say Southeast Asia, as Southeast Asia is to me? I dunno.

It would be interesting to hear the perspective of more people who have gone mostly places like the Red Sea, Maldives, Indonesia, etc. because they're closer, then checked out the Caribbean. Was it all you expected, or less than you expected? (Both above and below water.) Was it worth the flight to you?
Well stated. all the way around.

...It would be interesting to hear the perspective of more people who have gone mostly places like the Red Sea, Maldives, Indonesia, etc. because they're closer, then checked out the Caribbean. Was it all you expected, or less than you expected? (Both above and below water.) Was it worth the flight to you?

I am amazed at my British/Northern Euro diving buddies who are so attracted to the Caribbean.

I started diving with these guys and they showed me "their back yard", everything from their cold water to the Red Sea, Maldives, that kind of thing. They look at South Africa like we think of the Galapagos. (and vice versa) What's near and familiar, I guess.

Why they are attracted to the Bahamas and Belize, maybe it's because they still have close family ties. I can not for the life of me why they continue to beat a path to dive the Southern end of Grenada. (Can't get them to consider a charter to the NE Barrier Islands). Many Brits are attracted to Tobago. It's a fine current ride, but they have that thrill elsewhere closer... maybe it's because their relatives have gone there on bird watching safaris?

I have seen North American divers get all Shark crazy, but usually after six "canned shark rodeos" the wind up quitting or maybe a couple of dozen chance encounters- they get over it and begin to see and enjoy other things. My above mentioned dive buddies seem to be Shark crazy. We would spend hours swimming out into the blue looking for their "Mr. Grey", and the ones that even knew what a Sea Moth was- they weren't interested.

On my last trip with them, we did a week-long "Shark pester" in the outer Bahamas on a liveaboard. As many times as I have been in the water with them, it's as if they had never seen a Shark. I took one of their senior leaders aside and showed him what I was gawking at through a magnifying glass. It must have given me the same effect when one of those door-knockers converts a sinner into the fold. He was forever changed.

But he's leaving London for his third trip to Tobago next month.

I dunno, but I'm thinking it has a lot to do with 300 years of colonization. We have the urge to see the things our fathers saw. That- or maybe it's just Sharks.

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