Roatan 11/9-16/2013 Whether or not....

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Doc: Could you provide current bottom temp and air temp? I'm trying to factor in the likelihood of never really warming up on a surface interval on an rainy/overcast day. Last year at this time in Cozumel I wore a 5/4 mm full for this reason and was happy with the choice. This year in Roatan--same?
I think we have been fortunate. This is (I believe) supposed to be the coolest and for sure it is the rainiest month. Last week had similar great weather, contrary to the predictions.

Water temps have been that same old consistent number as always on the South shore: 82 degrees. Yes it varies a 1/2 degree or maybe 1 at depth, but it's really a non-issue. Since there is considerable fresh rain water atop the Sea occasionally, that can be as much as a two degree variant, 80 degrees, but it's not like you're hitting a wall.

Your question about surface interval (si) being a big part of the body's core temperature recovery is often overlooked and certain factors are universally unrecognized. It's always a good idea to bring a Goretx like shell for si on a boat.

I believe that you are also coming to CCV, and this is where that other factor comes in.... How steady do the boats ride? If you are on a boat that wasn't designed for ese conditions, the jostling of your equilibrium can really hamper core temp recovery. The CCV boats ride well and they are well designed to minimize wind currents on the deck while underway.

It goes back to the oft posed question, "What mil wetsuit will I need?" Your question shows a much less reliance on personal needs, anecdotal statements and general hooey. Knowing what the water temp is, understanding the intended repetitive dive schedule (5 a day here), and hoping for accurate air temp and wind predictions.... Well, that last part is the big unknown, as the theme of this thread has begun to play out.

We just did Calvin's Crack which is 30 minutes East and then back. It was, as always, very worthwhile, we finally found the big old Toadfish. Did the drop off dive, the usual aquarium back to the shore exit. Here I sit out front if the bar under the roof and the cool light breeze.... Otherwise I would be perspiring. It's warm, maybe 90 degrees.

I hear it snowed in Chicago, but they predicted that correctly 10 days prior. Down here, the weather prediction accuracy? Not so much.

2:00 pm two tank boat dive and a night dive.

The local prediction is that we'll have the winds shift from the North and this will cause a noticeable change in weather by Wed evening. Anthony Key and other capable West/North dive oops will move to the South side to continue diving.

Fantasy Island (FIBR) is 400 feet to my SW and has 145 guests from the Natl Assoc of Black Divers. Not a whole lot of them are diving, but aside from the rocking good music at night, there's a lot of snorkeling, plus the FIBR influx of cruise ship day snorkelers. Perfect conditions.

i do the second of three lectures tonight for the Seahorse Festival. I think I'll offer some ideas on how to use them as garnish in salads... Excellent with butter and garlic.... Or just deep fry and serve with ketchup. :)
Actually, we chose AKR based on the mobility of their boats in case of poor weather (which you've pointed out before) and the fact that they were offering a 2nd-diver-half-off deal. I know CCV gets more love here on SB.
Actually, we chose AKR based on the mobility of their boats in case of poor weather (which you've pointed out before) and the fact that they were offering a 2nd-diver-half-off deal. I know CCV gets more love here on SB.

Price is a big selling point, unfortunately for us, CCV is always booked, so they don't discount. I can not figure out why SB has such little reportage from AKR guests... It's different but provides a great product with consistency. These two are the last of the real-deal dive resorts on the island.

The 82 degree reading I gave above was from a cheapo zipper pull thermometer. I looked at my Cochrane computer and it was reading 86.

During Seahorse presentation #1, I handed out 10x magnifiers to everyone. Two divers came up to me today, all atwitter and happily babbling about how that simple device has now changed their dive experience forever.

Two more converts. Go slow, Seymour. :D

---------- Post added November 12th, 2013 at 08:13 PM ----------

Tuesday evening update...

Dead flat, light breeze coming from the North.

This bodes poorly as a predictor of weather. Likely it will storm heavily by Wednesday evening.

Locals know the signs of impending weather. Let's see if they can beat the pros!
Here's a CCV night diving logistics question for you Doc since you are there now...and since you have been there so many times....

Do you tend to do you night dives before or after dinner? Last year (March), my daughter and I tried them before dinner and were able to make it back in time to eat. I always tend to be hungry after diving...but this seemed to be slightly rushed to make sure we were back in time for dinner. We are going again next March...perhaps we'll try some after dinner night dives.

Opinions welcome.
I do night dives at 8pm, after dinner. You can usually get popcorn to microwave after the night dive, they put it in the rooms. We bring a Sams Club pack of vending machine cookie/cracker dealies.

If you want to be diving at 6:20 when dinner starts, all you have to do is inform the kitchen staff and they'll make you up a plate covered in foil. You could do dinner and ask them to make you a snack plate. They're pretty agreeable to feeding divers on their schedule. Last night they even had Casaba Bread, something that has been hard to get.

Weather Report for Wednesday
Rained until 5am, then day dawned clear with a few clouds. No precip all day and Sunset brings broken clouds.


Today, on just one dive, we were ghosted by a 5' Green Moray, two very large turtles who were friendly, a jet of Squidlets, several large fishes (wahoo?), two Seahorses, neck crabs, and more. Many remarked that they could now be 100% satisfied with their trip!

Because of the dead flat seas, there is the unusual opportunity to explore the very top of CoCco View Wall, normally a heavy wave and surge zone. Anybody who believes that the Corals in the Caribbean have disappeared will be amazed by the healthy variety of perfect specimens if both soft and hard Corals. It is a rare sight today to see unblemished, perfect brain corals, but the largely un-seen top if CCV wall is a sparkling refuge. If it's calm- take full advantage and do the top in 4 to 7 feet of brightly Sunlit water.... A treasure not to be missed.

Due use to the rains on the mainland a few days previous, a raft of plastic debris has arrived and the resorts are all busy with rakes. This clean up has no effect on the dive sites, so the DMs have actually pulled up to some moorings and decided to try alternates.

I think it fell on deaf ears when I tried to explain that these days, this is almost a universal phenomenon in dive travel. Not surprisingly, these were the same people that gave me quizzical looks when I asked if they had Hepatitis shots. Bottom line and best advice.... All divers should get them, certainly if you are diving outside the US.

The water temp was a consistent 89 degrees. This is the kind of heat that creates huge hurricanes, but luckily Africa has sent nothing this year.

It is sunset at 5:26 and it is now pouring. Looks like that prediction we heard yesterday might be coming true. The likelihood of a night dive (for me) is decreeing proportionately.
Actually, we chose AKR based on the mobility of their boats in case of poor weather (which you've pointed out before) and the fact that they were offering a 2nd-diver-half-off deal. I know CCV gets more love here on SB.

Mayan Princess caters for ****ty weather too, they will move the boat and shuttle everyone by minivan, no extra cost, to the other side
Thank you for the updates! Your weather is actually better than I was hoping for. I just hope it holds out, at least a little, while we are there. Boy am I getting excited :)
Hey Doc - I have a SPECIAL request...PLEASE :blinking: Go check out Anka's place and tell me what's happened in the past two years and what's growing on that wall that was laid bare by the earthquake! Pictures would be fantabulous!
Hey Doc - I have a SPECIAL request...PLEASE :blinking: Go check out Anka's place and tell me what's happened in the past two years and what's growing on that wall that was laid bare by the earthquake! Pictures would be fantabulous!

I was at Ankas within a week of it sliding off due to Earthquake. Of course, ScubaBoard was all atwitter and buzzing about the ruination forevermore of Roatan diving.

It had exposed the wide swath of white substrate, the skeletal remains exposing them again to daylight 10,000 years after they had lived. Within hours, Caribbean Banded Coral Shrimp were staking out claims. Next cam lower level plants like algae. Then sponges. coral has just recently.vegun to grow in.

This is going to take a few days to grow back. Be patient. Until then, do an informal study, a comparison from previous trips as to the changes occurring. I didn't.bring a camera, but the expansive nature of the re growth would be impossible to convey with photography... It's more an arena of a scientific study and count of individuals.

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