Risk of DCS after skipping safety stop?

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We were diving with computers, with the core of the diving done around 40-45 feet. The computers definitely said we were fine (we each had one). I am more concerned about skipping the 3-minute stop. Can that be a problem?

A safety stop is just that - safety.
It can often be skipped without any problem, but doing so DOES increase the risk.

"Computer ride" DCS hits does happen. A computer might say youre fine while infact youre going to get hit.
This is because of how computers work. They work from average populations and base everything on mathematical algorithms. They are not as conservative as dive tables is and when you know that people can get DCS hits even while diving within table limits the chance that you can while diving less conservative is obvious.
There is also a certain difference in how conservative different types of computers is. Some give you deco where others say that you have plenty of time left. Then of course your hydration and excertion and various other factors come into play, making the reality that a dive thats no problem one day might get you a case of DCS the next.
Decompression is not an exact science, unfortunately..
thanks - I will make sure to call DAN if I have more pain. Right now, it seems so vague and light...and it's in the arm where I have the tendinitis...Hopefully all will be OK :-(
We were diving with computers, with the core of the diving done around 40-45 feet. The computers definitely said we were fine (we each had one). I am more concerned about skipping the 3-minute stop. Can that be a problem?

If these were square profiles on air, you blew a 9 minute deco stop on the first dive and a 15 minute stop on the second according to vPlanner.

Multi-level dives might still be within the no-deco limits, however nobody can tell you if you're actually bent by talking to you on the internet. If you're concerned, you should call DAN, see what they think and possibly get a referral to a doc who can look at you in person.

M., (Sorry, don't know your name) Let me put it to you this way:

I'm a Diver Medical Technician, and a crew supervisor at the catalina hyperbaric chamber. Neither I nor anyone else can diagnose over the internet!

But, if you were at my chamber right now- I'd have you lying down breathing 100% oxygen to see if that changed the pain, I'd have the paramedics doing a neurological exam and would be on the phone to the head of hyperbarics in LA County getting permission to get you into the chamber for a test of pressure.

Does this mean I think your bent? Don't know without an exam, but I wouldn't recommend ignoring it. Waiting till tomorrow to see if it goes away is not a great idea- a treatment a day later usually fails to fully fix things.

Please at least give DAN a call and see what they think.
Most likely it will all be ok, but how computers work is something that is "forgotten" in recreational dive training and is something that would probably be good for people to get some information on before doing "computer dives".
But if in doubt and/or the pain get worse, contacting DAN might be a good idea.
Better safe than sorry, right?
Oceanic's are one of the more liberal computers on the market (I have three), they will let you take on a larger gas load than the more conservative computers.

Recommendation to give DAN a call still stands.

Best of luck to you, I hope it turns out to be nothing!
Guys - thanks a lot. Took some Advil and the light pain almost completely disappeared. I figured it was my tendinitis, since it hurt exactly where it usually hurts. I'll still give DAN a call tomorrow, just to be safe. I appreciate the help!
Guys - thanks a lot. Took some Advil and the light pain almost completely disappeared. I figured it was my tendinitis, since it hurt exactly where it usually hurts. I'll still give DAN a call tomorrow, just to be safe. I appreciate the help!

I have pains in my body with/without diving being in the equation. I was a baseball catcher for 25 years and a baseball umpire for another 10... I can tell the weather by my knees, and my diving by my elbows...

Anyone who has had issues in the past can feel those issues when they dive. It's always better to be safe than sorry. I dive with two computers (especially when diving out of the country and deep... It has worked out on every dive that something can go wrong with my equipment, or my buddy's equipment) I've passed over the other computer on every trip... chit happens, and my wish is NOT TO DIE WHILE DIVING!

Good for you

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