Risk of DCS after skipping safety stop?

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Hi all,

I don't think this should worry me, but I would like some perspective. I did the following dives:
Dive 1: max depth 65 feet, 49 minutes. Avg depth probably around 40-45 feet
STOP - 45 minutes at surface
Dive 2: max depth 65 feet, 40 minutes. Avg depth probably around 45-50 feet

On Dive 2, I had to come up to the surface without a safety stop because I was running out of air. I wanted to make a safety stop, but the instructor took me all the way up. She later said it was fine, because the computer still showed that we had time left (and we basically dove in tandem for the two dives)

I am probably imagining a light pain in my right shoulder...Should I be at all concerned?

How long after the dives did the pain start?

Were you using that arm to lift/carry gear?

Take anything for the pain? Did it help?
Hi all,

I don't think this should worry me, but I would like some perspective. I did the following dives:
Dive 1: max depth 65 feet, 49 minutes. Avg depth probably around 40-45 feet
STOP - 45 minutes at surface
Dive 2: max depth 65 feet, 40 minutes. Avg depth probably around 45-50 feet

On Dive 2, I had to come up to the surface without a safety stop because I was running out of air. I wanted to make a safety stop, but the instructor took me all the way up. She later said it was fine, because the computer still showed that we had time left (and we basically dove in tandem for the two dives)

I am probably imagining a light pain in my right shoulder...Should I be at all concerned?


Were you on Nitrox and if so what mix or air?
I was on regular air
I have had tendinitis in that arm for weeks now...Not sure if I can call what I have pain, it slightly bothers me rather than hurts. If I didn't think it was DCS, I would certainly not even take a painkiller (I haven't yet)
I just want to see whether I am at risk.
Dives were 5-6 hours ago.
Odd you would dive same depths on back to back dives~besides if you go by NAUI dive tables you came out of the water as a "I" letter group and with only a 45 minute S.I.T. you were a "H" letter group which put you at risk at that depth~the most you should have dove was 50 feet for 14 minutes~ Hope you are ok~and watch those tables~
Working it as a square wave dive on the latest navy tables you would have exceeded the ndl by 1 minute on the first dive, came out group K, SI was nor long enough to move you up a group so there would have been 54 min RNT for the second dive- clearly not accurate since the RNT exceeds the actual dive time.

But the bottom line is how you feel, if this pain is different than your normal tendonitis then it would probably be worth getting checked.

You can give DAN a call at 1-919-684-4DAN (4326) (Collect if you need to) and confirm but they will very likely tell you to go get checked.

Just a side note, if you have oxygen available please use it.

DAN's 800 number is at the top of the page too, you do not have to be a member to call.
We were diving with computers, with the core of the diving done around 40-45 feet. The computers definitely said we were fine (we each had one). I am more concerned about skipping the 3-minute stop. Can that be a problem?
Odd you would dive same depths on back to back dives~besides if you go by NAUI dive tables you came out of the water as a "I" letter group and with only a 45 minute S.I.T. you were a "H" letter group which put you at risk at that depth~the most you should have dove was 50 feet for 14 minutes~ Hope you are ok~and watch those tables~
PADI tables also put this out of the limits so the risk is there according to them as well.
However, dives usually dont tend to be square profile and thats the caveat with tables with regards to max depth and bottomn times. However with regards to conservatism thats suddenly a benefit rather than a caveat.

I would say the OP should be aware that there is a certain risk of DCS involved and to contact DAN (or similar resources) sooner rather than later if DCS is suspected.
Youd rather want to call for help once too often when it comes to something that has potential for bodily harm..
Which computers were you using?
provided by dive centers. very simple to use, one-button. They would tell you how much time you have left as you went up and down in depth. When I came up, I still had plenty of time left...

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