Riding a DSMB up from a deep wreck???

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What's scary is that's likely true or the video wouldn't have been posted.

The funniest thing in this thread was the repeated accusation that @PfcAJ doesn't dive deep wrecks in the same conditions with at least 2 stages and a deco bottle. Meanwhile if they realized who AJ is, they would also realize that 5 bottles is an easy day for him. :facepalm:

Since this is obviously aimed at me, I know who @PfcAJ is and I know what he does. (Who on here doesn't) I know he's very accomplished and does some crazy serious dives. I also have serious respect for him.

I know I'm not quite on his level, but I do serious wreck dives and have been deco diving for almost 20 years. I don't do caves, they're just not my thing and my style reflects that. I don't do long linear penetrations, I hot drop, penetrate, and get out. Most of the time without a team, an anchor line, and a private boat. I did fundies a while ago when learning about DIR and determined it wasn't for me. I learned some great skills but didn't agree with the philosophy.

I know we subscribe to two very different diving philosophies and conversations can get spirited when these two camps meet. It's been that way since DIR became a thing... That being said, I have my own experiences learning to wreck dive in the NE that differ from his opinions and we discussed it. Not very professionally, but we discussed it... No he doesn't approach wreck diving like alot of us do and that's fine. That's what these forums are all about yes?

If my posts came across as disrespectful than I do apologise but I and alot of other divers do not dive DIR. I do dives that DIR guys would claim to be "stupid and unsafe" from a philosophical standpoint yet are accomplished daily and quite safely by non DIR divers. I also dive deep on air. He's voiced his opinion about that as expected on other threads and we disagreed. I'm not just gonna roll over because he's one of the top dogs on here... He will never subscribe to double bladder due to his philosophy and he will survive and I will never dive without one when I feel it's needed due to my philosophy and I will survive. We all learn from each other on here as a result of disagreement. I've made gear changes and some technique changes due to some DIR teachings. That being said a difference in ideas should not induce the expected DIR ridicule and it usually does hence my responses.

I would certainly sit down over a beer with @PfcAJ and have a discussion about diving without hesitation. Context is lost when on forums and I meant no disrespect which it seems that is how it was taken. It's just a deep difference in philosophy based on different experiences.

Dive and let dive...

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