Great shot of Mr. Fish, Christi.
After looking at your pic, I could swear it was the same fish that Pedro pointed out to me when we were down in April. We were swimming along, and Petro was trying to show me a fish, he was pointing, and I was staring for like 1/2 a minute. Finally I saw what he was pointing at. He really blended in with the background. I think it was the same Mr. Fish! As cxg31s says, make sure you keep track of him until November for when we come down!
After looking at your pic, I could swear it was the same fish that Pedro pointed out to me when we were down in April. We were swimming along, and Petro was trying to show me a fish, he was pointing, and I was staring for like 1/2 a minute. Finally I saw what he was pointing at. He really blended in with the background. I think it was the same Mr. Fish! As cxg31s says, make sure you keep track of him until November for when we come down!