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Great shot of Mr. Fish, Christi.
After looking at your pic, I could swear it was the same fish that Pedro pointed out to me when we were down in April. We were swimming along, and Petro was trying to show me a fish, he was pointing, and I was staring for like 1/2 a minute. Finally I saw what he was pointing at. He really blended in with the background. I think it was the same Mr. Fish! As cxg31s says, make sure you keep track of him until November for when we come down!
I just wanted to bring up an issue that frequently comes up on photography boards about editing other people's photos without permission--most people aren't aware of this "etiquette" issue.
My first reaction when reading your post was a forehead-smacking DUH! It hadn't crossed my mind that I was messing with someone's artistic creation.

It's all in the mindset. I'm a fish nerd and photography is mostly a way to record what I see for later analysis. My first reaction when seeing an underexposed photo, or even just one that has some detail of interest in a deep shadow, is to hit it with curves or levels to bring out the detail. Rarely do I post it.

Thanks for waking me up.
That is one butt-ugly fellow!! See you soon

I FINALLY got my very own Frog Fish picture Pedro found this guy yesterday morning with his group! I took nitrox students out yesterday afternoon with Pedro and his group...and he found him for us again!!! He's so ugly he's cute!


Oly 5050, Ikelite housing, 1/125, f 8.0, internal flash

and another view


Oly 5050, Ikelite housing, 1/125, f8.0, DS-125, 1/4 power

I have a few others I'll share once I get them uploaded! This was the 4th dive on my cmaera batteries (forgot to change them before I got on the boat) and by the time we got to this guy, batteries were so low I couldn't adjust any settings...so they aren't the best pics...but I got him!
*Where* did you see him Christi?
Great shot. I always look for them and scorpion fish here but I've yet to see antennarius. (sp?) I saw them in the Philippines in strong current areas....like Cozumel I guess. Are they here too?

You mean like this guy? This was in Playa del Carmen this past weekend.

The picture above this one shows up, but the frog fish pics don't.

Is it me?

Hmmm...wierd...they were there yesterday! I can't edit my original post...so here they are again...



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