Reverse block and flying question

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I've learned several lessons here:

  1. Don't suddenly go off allergy medicine just because I change locales
  2. Learn how to better equalize my ears on descent
  3. Avoid chewing on my regulator.

And always carry some extra 12-hour pseudoephedrine!

Thanks again to everyone for their help. It definitely took the edge off my panic and helped me consider my options more rationally. Like in diving emergencies, that made all the difference.
Glad things are looking better. Ear pains are disabling at times, I know. I get a swimmers-ear type flare up now and then without swimming, from my allergies I guess, and will now not go anywhere overnight without my ear drops for that.

Claiatin/Loratadine 10mg is something I like to stay on every night, wherever I go. It's pretty easy to find, but some of my kids & I taking it so much - I get it in volume at Amazon. Here is a years supply for $11.85 or here is a few more in 2 bottles for $13. :crafty:

Pseudophendrine is totally different (and it's important to know the differences), but life would be tough for us without it - especially diving and flying. It is increasingly difficult to find and in some states requires prescription, but I see you have 3 Walgreens stores in Boston. They carry Wal-Act, the old Actifed formula. It includes this decongestant plus an antihistamine so you need to consider if that is too much of the latter with Loratadine, but it certainly never bothers me.

Equalizing early & often is extremely necessary, but we've been over that extensively already I think. The video has helped many.

I wonder why you grind on your reg? My home, who has challenges equalizing, chewed several mouthpieces up before he got a Seacure and fit it to his teeth - which also helped his air consumption a lot. I use a Manta that requires less biting in case my dentures slip, which I try to prevent but have messed up a time or two.
Comfo-bite mouth piece for clenchers. I have one on my snorkel as well. They do not fit all Regs though.
Glad things are looking better. Ear pains are disabling at times, I know. I get a swimmers-ear type flare up now and then without swimming, from my allergies I guess, and will now not go anywhere overnight without my ear drops for that.

Claiatin/Loratadine 10mg is something I like to stay on every night, wherever I go. It's pretty easy to find, but some of my kids & I taking it so much - I get it in volume at Amazon. Here is a years supply for $11.85 or here is a few more in 2 bottles for $13. :crafty:

Pseudophendrine is totally different (and it's important to know the differences), but life would be tough for us without it - especially diving and flying. It is increasingly difficult to find and in some states requires prescription, but I see you have 3 Walgreens stores in Boston. They carry Wal-Act, the old Actifed formula. It includes this decongestant plus an antihistamine so you need to consider if that is too much of the latter with Loratadine, but it certainly never bothers me.

Bit embarrassed: I had no idea Loratadine was available so cheaply. Somehow I must've gotten it subconsciously into my head not to buy drugs from Amazon. It's like the last product type I've never gotten from there. Well: it's been correct, thanks!

Equalizing early & often is extremely necessary, but we've been over that extensively already I think. The video has helped many.

Even more embarrassed: which video are you referring to?

I wonder why you grind on your reg? My home, who has challenges equalizing, chewed several mouthpieces up before he got a Seacure and fit it to his teeth - which also helped his air consumption a lot. I use a Manta that requires less biting in case my dentures slip, which I try to prevent but have messed up a time or two.

I wish I knew! It is not a conscious action: I just noticed it every now and then, and wondered what the heck I was doing. In fact, up until this incident I wasn't aware that I was grinding this much during the day. Goes to show how much I pay attention to my body while awake ... so going to the ENT had the wonderful side-effect of making me use my bite guard every night. The type I have goes between the two front upper teeth and helps prevent the jaw from closing fully; the idea being that if the muscles don't go into full clench mode they will "learn" to be more relaxed over time. It definitely works but I never got into the habit of wearing it every night, partly due to laziness and partly due to my being convinced it wasn't that bad of a problem. Now that I've started to use it daily I've noticed my left-side headaches that I used to get late in the day are gone. Completely. Stupid me.

Who says diving isn't good for your health, eh? Look at what it's taught me about my own body!

Comfo-bite mouth piece for clenchers. I have one on my snorkel as well. They do not fit all Regs though.

Thanks, I'll check it out as well. Do you wear it because you clench unconsciously, or because you have to clench for some reason?
Bit embarrassed: I had no idea Loratadine was available so cheaply. Somehow I must've gotten it subconsciously into my head not to buy drugs from Amazon. It's like the last product type I've never gotten from there. Well: it's been correct, thanks!
Nothing to be embarrassed about. Many folks don't search for online bargains like I do. I just stumbled across that. It's a good, daily antihistamine that helps some, so if it helps you - cool. The product is US made, not that I don't get some others from overseas.

The Wal-act product from Walgreens is more important to me generally as well as my home bud who has hell equalizing, but not everyone likes to take pseudoephedrine and some states require a script.

Even more embarrassed: which video are you referring to?
Sorry, was it not mentioned before here? It's a 45 minute video, but helpful. See Doc's Diving Medicine Home Page

I wish I knew! It is not a conscious action: I just noticed it every now and then, and wondered what the heck I was doing. In fact, up until this incident I wasn't aware that I was grinding this much during the day. Goes to show how much I pay attention to my body while awake ... so going to the ENT had the wonderful side-effect of making me use my bite guard every night. The type I have goes between the two front upper teeth and helps prevent the jaw from closing fully; the idea being that if the muscles don't go into full clench mode they will "learn" to be more relaxed over time. It definitely works but I never got into the habit of wearing it every night, partly due to laziness and partly due to my being convinced it wasn't that bad of a problem. Now that I've started to use it daily I've noticed my left-side headaches that I used to get late in the day are gone. Completely. Stupid me.
Great! You might try the Seacure mouthpiece or the one mentioned by Cmburch.

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