Return to diving after achilles reconstructive surgery

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anse cochon

Reaction score
Glenside PA
# of dives
50 - 99
Well, things did not go according to plan. My achilles repair in Dec 2011 was inadequate considering the condition of the tendons, etc and I underwent achilles reconstruction with a toe tendon transplant and some fold down about 2 weeks ago with a different surgeon

Now I am targeting next May 2013 (9 months post op) to get back in the water. As I do not want to risk a 3rd surgery, this will limit my diving options. I am considering only easy diving. It was suggested by a divemaster friend that the best methods for this are boat diving where the BCD is donned and removed in the water.

I have read about some wheeled tank caddys and such for shore diving.

If anyone can comment about working with dive operators to accomodate this issue for shore entries off their docks for check out dives or anything at all that would guide me for boat or shore diving, it would be appreciated.

I know the folks at Brac Reef Beach Resort are experienced in this area and they will be on the of the two first places I get wet again.

I am home for another 4 weeks before weight bearing again, the second time in 9 months that I have been down for extended periods due to this issue. Not too happy with the first surgeon taking the cheap and easy way out on what may have been hopeless tissue.
This may be in a perfect place to talk about this - I had an achilles repair in Dec 2010, and then a complete replacement (same one) in July, 2011.
I was 3.5 months of non-load bearing followed by 3 months in a walking boot; 6 weeks after I was out of the boot my surgeon (a former diver) gave me the OK to go diving again, and we went to Playa del Carmen for a week.
Because I'd been out of the water for so long, and had had major surgery, I asked for a refresher dive, followed by two ocean dives that same day; I will tell you (confess) that my endurance and strength were/are severly depleted after such an extended period of inactivity, and when I got back to the resort I was out like a light!
My tips for you:
1. Make sure your doctor understands what you want to do, as he/she (mine was a cute blonde young enough to be my daughter!) will have to sign off on your medical waiver.
2. Keep moving! I know that it's tough, frustrating and extremely boring sitting at home, but do whatever you can to maintain some aerobic conditioning.
3. Go to therapy! I didn't because I had full range of motion, and it was a mistake - I'm still trying to get all of my strength in theat leg back. I still have a very significant difference in leg size (calf muscle) and tone between my legs.
4. Talk to the dive operator about your surgery and be up front about your limitations; when I did the cenotes, the owner had instructed the DM to not let me carry any equipment, tanks, etc., due to the stairs we had to climb (still a weak point for me), and he (Pedro from Fantasea Diving) fussed at me every time he caught me doing it. This is probably the single biggest thing you can do - be up front with them and they should work with you; if they don't, find someone that will. If they do, reward them well!

Everyone heals at different rates - when I completely ruptured my achilles last May, I had a diving trip to the Bahamas scheduled to get my daughters certified; I couldn't walk as far or as well as I used too, but was able to climb on/off the boat with all of my equipment - drove the operator crazy that I was able to do it!

Shoot me an email/PM if you want to talk more!
Kevin Long

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