I've been to Bonaire close to 20 times and it's very safe. Yes, they did have a rash of break-in's last year or the year before and the thieves have been getting bolder but that's not normal. What is normal is getting stuff stolen from your vehicle while shore diving. That's been happening for years so just don't leave any valuables in the vehicle and leave the windows down. I bring a car safe and we've never had anything stolen yet. In recent years, we've had our dive gear stolen while staying at the Divi which has security. In fact, lots of people have had stuff stolen from their lockers there but it seems to go in spurts. There has also been alleged room break in's which I'm not sure if its true or not since the stories don't make sense whatsoever. It might be a matter of diver on diver theft IMHO. Just don't lock your vehicle, don't leave anything valuable inside, use a good lock on your dive locker, lock your room/rental when leaving. don't flash your cash around- just ordinary common sense and you'll be fine. Enjoy your trip and the probability of you getting robbed is extremely low, in my opinion.