robin mannion
Thanks for that Oly5050! But i know what i need to do in order to become a competant diver, i am not going straight into a dive master dut will be having at least 6 weeks of very frequent diving before i start the course. I have organised with my new instructor to take it at the appropriate speed and achieve as much as is prudent in the time i have. As Steve says i will not be using it to take anyone diving but more of a formality to progress with my career, but of course with the training i will be able to fulfill the supervision requirements. At my level i am not required to dive in the tanks myself but have a good working knowledge of the processes. We also have a dive officer whos responsibity it is to dive and ensure safelty measures are followed.
My post was not to gather opinion on whether i should do the course or not but whether i would be able to get my completed rescue course verified.
Also chaps, in the UK Robins a guys name. Thanks for your imput but i would like to stay on topic if possible
My post was not to gather opinion on whether i should do the course or not but whether i would be able to get my completed rescue course verified.
Also chaps, in the UK Robins a guys name. Thanks for your imput but i would like to stay on topic if possible