Rescue diver, missed it by that much. At the time 1990 to complete the rescue diver course you needed CPR, which I took, the pool test, beach dives and of course the final exam. I completed all of these items and actually scored very well on the written exam. The last piece which I never completed was the first aid class that had to be taken at a hospital at the time. I am thinking that I now would have to re-take the whole class over again. It was pretty stupid of me not to complete that class but oh well I was only 21 at the time. I understand that now everything is done at the dive shop, can anyone verify this for me??? That being said I have rescued 3 divers in my lifetime. My most recent experience was rescuing a card carrying PADI "Master Diver" from a very simple beach dive. Not that I hadn't already dismissed PADI's qualifications, but this just proved to me that PADI is too quick to certify.