Repost: Standard Smilies...

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trucker girl:
Wow. er has been busy!

And eckybay... you are a total stalker! There's room for improvement, though. A pro wouldn't have posted at all...

Thanks for the tip. I'll try harder in the future.
:dandydon will not work as a code, as the colon+d does this :d already.

And I made a smaller version if you'd like it...?
I like the yeahbaby from the scubaboardtoo can't provide a pic since SBtoo is gone..... it may be in our long list of smilies but I would like to see it in the little box on the right---->

you can lose :14: :light: and probably a few others that were not mentioned:D
Yup... I included a story, and we all know that you approve.... so, how about a :truckergirl: with the surface beanie?

or :tgbeanie:
Oh really, where's the thread with the story? And the pictures? :D

The smiley's waiting...
El Orans:
Oh really, where's the thread with the story? And the pictures? :D

The smiley's waiting...

Here's the story...

When TG is at a dive site, and not in the water, she is wearing the surface beanie. It's a great way to ID her, as we "know" that she's the only one there wearing one. The little propeller spins in the wind and it's really cute. Lots of people, from this board have seen, us talk about the surface beanie, and they've approached her at sites and asked if she was Trucker Girl! The surface beanie has made her famous.

Now, there was a little accident with the surface beanie... it happened last year when a tank rolled onto it. Oops! It broke a propeller blade... but, you see, Truckers have this "knack" of improvising a fix... so, she used that thick clear tape (like duct tape, but it's clear) and pieced the propeller back together and now it spins a little off kilter. (No worries though... matches her personality perfectly! I mean... one can't get any dorkier than THAT!!!)

Here's a pic (distant, but with the surface beanie, no doubt!):

Diving is always more fun when the surface beanie is around! Reggae Joe got these the one time TG graced us with her presence! We were told to be on the lookout for the surface beanie to spot her.....


Ah yes...the classic beanie...TG, when do we get to go diving with you again and see it? Oh, and you, of course... :)

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