Well if you are a newbie diver, you probably dont know were to go in the quarry and most likely will take the easiest rout as many divers before them did that day stirring up the vis.
Its a little premature to be hard on the quarry as a new diver who hasn't explored it good enough. A diver who dives there a lot can usually find an area of good vis but it takes some snorkeling and work.
The best dive to do as a new diver in a wet suit is to go around the perimeter of the west portion at about 20 ft max. Do it at night and you are in for an eel of a time. You do need good air consumption though and if you are in shape, don't smoke, and properly weighted, it can be done on a steel 72.
Its a little premature to be hard on the quarry as a new diver who hasn't explored it good enough. A diver who dives there a lot can usually find an area of good vis but it takes some snorkeling and work.
The best dive to do as a new diver in a wet suit is to go around the perimeter of the west portion at about 20 ft max. Do it at night and you are in for an eel of a time. You do need good air consumption though and if you are in shape, don't smoke, and properly weighted, it can be done on a steel 72.