Report: Archaeology Site Restoration @ Aquarena

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Austin, TX
# of dives
500 - 999
Well, looks like I should have joined DeepWater & all on the Comal.
- but -
I had already responded to Bridgets request for help:

Hello Team,
We are in the process of reconstructing Dr. Joel Shiners original 64 meter archaeology site. Dennis Freiheit used to work with Dr. Shiner and has been volunteering his time to head this reconstruction process. We are at a critical point in this project and are needing the help of divers for the in water construction of the site. ...........The fun begins around 9 am and lasts until 4/5pm. I'll provide all the water and air you will need!

Thanks to all the scientific divers who have been helping out on this project as well as all of you have been supporting the habitat preservation and restoration of beautiful Spring Lake

Sooo - Off I go to Aquarena - - turns out this weeks work was to set new posts arond the site and Saturdays team had broken the post driver! - We spent most of the day repairing this [Dives inbetween as others ran off for more parts etc...] - - Now we're prepared for the next working weekend [near Labor Day] when the last posts will be put in and a new 4mX4m frame put around the site.
Collected my traditional bunged up finger by dropping the post-driver pipe on it as we tried to cut off the damaged part :wacko:

Cooled off nicely by collecting my traditional bags of hydrilla for my compost pile during that dive break to the repair work!
Hi Larry,

I've volunteered to work @ Aquarena the 8/23--8/24 weekend....sounds like you're pretty familiar with their time line....can you share with us the timeline for the remainder of the project? Any idea what's scheduled to be done the weekend I'll be there?

How many divers are helping out when you're there? it a big group?

Think they'd have any use for my 'big' 120 and 130 cu ft tanks if I brought them? (I have 4 such big tanks and am willing to share for more bottom time.)


Dr. Shiner offered an u/w archaeology course through Don Dibble's shop way back in the mid eighties. Several of us took the course and I helped with the site for a couple of years after that when I could catch Dr. Shiner down there.
Could you ask Dennis if he knows if the map, that Dr. Shiner was developing of the site, got completed?
The last time I saw Dr. Shiner he said the site was like a house. Different functions occurred at different locations. Thanks for bringing back great memories.
Can anyone take the u/w archaeology course and how
much does it cost? Also is it still offered at this time of the year
I couldnt find out this info on there web-site. What is the max
depth there?

Hi Folks, sorry to be sporadic in replying - dratted job keeps getting in the way of my diving.......

scubafanatic once bubbled...
Hi Larry,

I've volunteered to work @ Aquarena the 8/23--8/24 weekend....sounds like you're pretty familiar with their time line....can you share with us the timeline for the remainder of the project? Any idea what's scheduled to be done the weekend I'll be there?
How many divers are helping out when you're there? it a big group?
Think they'd have any use for my 'big' 120 and 130 cu ft tanks if I brought them? (I have 4 such big tanks and am willing to share for more bottom time.)

I think 8/23 is off because Dennis couldn't break the extra vacation time to get back. I'll harrass Bridget to try & verify - but I would advise you to do so also & not make travel plans quite yet.
BIG tanks: OF course if you'ld like! I get more time than needed out of an AL80 - but then, Diving is partially about toys and their use. Extended bottom time is unlikely to be an issue.
# of divers - we had about 6 workers last weekend and that seemed about right for the area and the work to be done - at a certain point - I think the more the merrier until we all start getting underfoot.

Colt: Sort of.. I believe passing the basic Scientific Diver qualification is necessary to get into the Archaeology Course - but best to ask the folks at Aquarena. We would, of course - Welcome you!

Ron: Good Memories indeed! I'll do my best to remmeber to ask Dennis about the map - If it's not in the plans, it'd certainly be a great addition!
Are you planning to be down there Labor Day Weekend? I'm booked solid until then (and even then, I may have something going), but it looks like that might be the only weekend I can get down there to help. Please let me know.
Thanks Larry!

Please do let me know what Bridget says.....I haven't received an update from her on the schedule changes....thanks for warning me not to go 8/23, you saved me a wasted trip!

I work every other Sat........and the weekend of 8/30 I'm scheduled to work here......but a co-worker owes me a favor so I'm pretty sure I can trade with him so I can work @ Aquarena 8/30--31 (Labor Day weekend).

Is Labor Day weekend the next scheduled construction weekend?

I just got off the phone with Bridget - It's definite that the weekend of the 23rd/24th is off for the archaeology work. I'll be there tomorrow, so I will try again for some sort of news for when it's actually on..............
Hi Larry,

I got an e-mail from Bridget a few days ago.......she confirmed at that time that the 8/23 weekend was cancelled.....but she signed me up to come down and work Labor Day weekend (8/31).

So, do you know if Labor Day weekend is still 'on'? I'm in the middle of confirming with my employer than I can have that weekend off, so confirmation would be appreciated.



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