Maybe so. No need to get anyone’s eyes bugged out either, in any case.... the post I’ve made represents my personal opinion, which I’m sharing with the O.P. with the purpose of shedding some light or perspectives from personal experiences while visiting the island.
I’ve been to Cozumel several times and while I’ve had an opportunity to: walk around town, to rely on taxis for longer distances and to ride a bike around several neighborhoods, Cozumel does not have a traffic pattern or logic like the type we are used to in FL. Like everything in life, there are some exceptions and rules that don’t always apply. You may be correct and you may be on point about avenidas, calles, altos y derecho de paso.
In reality, from my personal observations while visiting Cozumel, not all roads have signs, not all signs are clear, nor always follow a logic pattern that is easy to grasp for someone like me that is used to driving in FL and more importantly, don’t live there and have no solid knowledge of the different roads and intersections. It’s logic for anyone used to the traffic patterns, not me.
I’ll share this. Every single day when walking in or out of a restaurant for diner, we’ve seen more than one scooter pass by driven by a Mom or a Dad, with a child sitting in the back, sometimes 2 of them in the back... plus a smaller child “standing” on the floorboard of the scooter. Yes, the parent or responsible adult is wearing a helmet, so are the rest of the riders. I don’t know about you, but I would hate to startle or spook anyone driving around, particularly when I’m not familiar with the rules of the road.
There is risk in everything we do. When visiting Cozumel, I prefer taking mine underwater, exploring and diving to my hearts content and enjoying the underwater scenery and critters that make Cozumel such a wonderful place to visit.
One last thing, even the sidewalks can be tricky. I don’t have the best eyesight, but do keep a special awareness not to be caught walking into a power pole anchoring wire, a security fence awning, a legacy stop sign long gone but half the post still waiting for an unsuspecting pedestrian, the standard hole in the ground from some unfinished or ongoing utility work.
Maybe it’s easy for others, but not for me... therefore, I would recommend the original poster to simply enjoy the trip, hire a taxi or walk when possible and forego driving because the rules of the road aren’t like the ones we have here in the U.S. I’m not saying our are better, they are differnt.
The people of Cozumel are wonderful, welcoming and respectful. The town has great things to offer and the diving is superb. Taxis are extremely affordable and moving around is easy. Renting a car there may end up being more of an inconvenience than helpful... but then again, that is my opinion and not a rule or a mandate.