Why don’t you want to tip for services rendered?!?
It’s a basic understand and being a good person. Do you not tip in restaurants?
I don't get a tip for doing my job. Do you tip your child's school teacher? do you tip a priest when you go to confession?
Do you tip the cashier at the gas station? Tipping is a gratuity and not something that should be expected for just doing your job.
When I dive in the Philippines I buy a whole pig and do a BBQ & Chickens and Fish for all the staff in the dive center at the end of my vacation and they bring their spouses and children along for a feast. They also can take home what is left over.
That way we all have a good feast. Don't need to tip with cash everywhere. In Bali where you get an individual who carries all your gear you tip them. I don't tip in Australia as that is not asked for as you are charged so muchand tipping in Japan is considered an insult.