Regulator shelf-life? HELP!!!

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South Jersey
I'm in a bit of a pickle, so any advice would be welcome.

About 8 years ago, while I was somewhat poor, I decided to start piecing together my kit as I could afford it. My first purchase was a ScubaPro MK2--or something similar--but then things changed and I ended up renting on all my dive trips, so I put it on a shelf in its original packaging. Fast forward to 3 months ago, times changed again so I decided to finally fill out my kit for an upcoming sailing/diving trip in the BVI.

In anticipation, a couple weeks ago I dropped my old regulator/new octopus/new dive computer combo to a local scuba retail store, asking them to ensure that everything was in working order. Today--just two days before I leave--I call the shop and they inform me that #1 they don't service scubapro equipment so they haven't done a thing with it, and #2 I will surely die if I use this (NEVER BEFORE USED--BEEN IN A BOX ON A SHELF FOR THE LAST 8 YEARS) regulator.

Fine, I'm wiling to rent if I have to. Money isn't a concern--but I'd really like to use my own equipment if I can. I'm curious what opinions are on what the real safety concerns are. More than likely I will rent a reg no matter what, but with the terrible experience I had with this shop, I'm curious what opinions are on the shelf-life is of an unused regulator.

Welcome to the board.
If it is a MK-2, odds are it will work, the regs are simple and rugged as all get out. That said, I would not suggest you try it. What I would suggest is you find a good local SP shop and let them know you are in a fix and need help. A good tech can service the reg in short order, esp since it is not dirty. They might charge you a little more but it may be worth it to you.
Hook it up to a tank and see what happens; I would not be surprised if it worked. The 1st stage is probably okay, the 2nd stage might have enough of an imprint on the seat to leak a little. You'll hear it right away. If it seems to work okay, try a pool dive with it, if that works out, I'd use it on a trip. If it were mine and it had a slight leak, and I did not have a rebuild kit, I'd simply flip the 2nd stage seat over and try that. The more conservative approach would be to have a competent tech rebuild the reg.

This is all assuming you've got a new-old-stock MK2/R190 that has never been used. This means there's zero corrosion and zero wear on the 1st stage seat. The o-rings might be a little dried out, but SP has been using EDPM o-rings for a while and they last a lot longer than 8 years on the shelf. And the MK2 has a nice design feature in that the dynamic o-rings are not subjected to high pressure like in the balanced pistons, so the first stage o-rings have an easier life. By far the most likely point of wear is the LP seat in the 2nd stage. If it's worn, you'll know as soon as you pressurize the reg; you'll get a hiss.

If you don't have access to a tank to test the reg, or you're not able to take it for a test dive in a pool, you're probably best off just getting it serviced, by someone who knows what they're doing. How exactly you determine that before they actually do the work is anyone's guess!
Scubapro makes good regulators and they last if cared for properly. I would not dive with any regulator, new or not, that has been sitting on a shelf for 8 years.
Remember, this is your life support equipment. I hope you had the opportunity to get it serviced before your trip and are enjoying it.
I've posted some experience with long term storage here. The short version is: no problem at all after 10 years. No matter what, I'd strongly suggest you read through couv's commandments carefully, invest a few bucks in some basic instrumentation, and check you gear yourself.
Try and get it serviced quick. A dive shop can service a reg in a day easy assuming they have parts. They will love the fees and maybe you can dive your reg. If not a rental should not run more than $10 a day or less.
Thanks for all the great replies and advice!

Specifically it's a MK25/G 250. I'm going to scramble today and see if I can find a local ScubaPro certified shop that can turn it around in the day. I'm in the Philly area, and I leave tomorrow morning so I'm not sure if that'll be possible.

My backup plan is to take my reg down with me. I pick up my tanks and weights on saturday, I doubt there will be a pool, and the harbor where our catamaran is will be too dirty to dive. So... I guess I may just rent a backup anyway. We leave on Sunday and our first dive is scheduled for Monday... so while most of my crew is snorkeling the caves on the first day, I might try to test out my reg at about 6 feet for a few minutes. Think that would be sufficient?
You don't really need to dive it to see (hear) if it works.
I would soak the reg in water overnight and then take it to the rental shop and test it on a tank you are renting. If you are getting the tanks delivered ask then to bring along an extra rental reg on the off chance yours is no good.
Caves, Indians and Willie T.....not a bad first day!
Thanks for all the great replies and advice!

Specifically it's a MK25/G 250.... I might try to test out my reg at about 6 feet for a few minutes. Think that would be sufficient?

This is a very different animal than the MK2/R190. On one hand, the G250 is a balanced 2nd stage, meaning there's less pressure on the seat during storage. On the other hand, the MK25 is a balanced piston and so there is a dynamic o-ring subject to HP air.

It's a crapshoot, but if I knew it was stored correctly (cool, dry, no hose kinks, 2nd stage adjustment all the way out) and it really had never been used, I'd be willing to bet (a small amount, anyway:D) it would work fine. However, that's just talking about the 1st and 2nd stage, there's also an octo I presume, and a SPG/console of some sort. Ironically, those tiny o-rings in the SPG spool are among the most likely candidates to fail.

Bring it, pressurize it, take a few breaths, dunk the pressurized reg and tank in the rinse tank, look for any bubbles, if there are none you can leave it in there for a few hours, if none develop it's 'probably' safe to dive with. Rental gear is always a bit of a crapshoot itself.

Regardless, consider two things: 1) Nobody should ever dive in such a way that regulator failure is actually dangerous, and 2) Most divers would probably not be comfortable diving a reg that had not been serviced in 8 years, even if it had not been used. I would, but only after testing it, and because I work on my own gear, I tend to be less intimidated by the unknown in terms of regulator function.
If it's a SP MK25/G250, by all mean, take it along. I too am ready to bet it'll work, and performance wise it's WAY above ordinary rental gears.

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