Regulator Prob "in my head"?

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I guess I really think it is in my head. I was wondering if other people who have had little scarey things happen get...well, a little paranoid.

Yes, I had to force myself to get in the water on every dive in May and June. Things in your head are very real. I'm still looking around on dives more than was once the case, but the paranoia is mostly gone now.

I am brilliant, aren't I?

so..Walter. yea, gotcha. I think you had a good point a while back, and I listened.

About complacency and wake up calls.

Some people learn from other's mistakes more easily. I always need to make my own.

so...did the Bull shark look mean?
I know people do OOA drills, etc. So...why do I have this idea that my regulator seems to be delivering air differently since my little trauma (OOA at 60 ft)?

It flows fine, then when I move my neck a certain way, it feels like someting is causing resistance and this is transient. Very subtle and it could be psychological.

They all breathe differently in different positions. If you tilt your head up, it will breather harder than if you are face down.

Now if you mean that it breathes differently if you tilt your head to the side, that's probably something else.

Borrow a reg from a friend. Then you can tell if it's a hardware problem or a human problem. :cool:

A new regulator should scare those gremlins away. Or you could give it a little more time.
silly question...if your reg is "balanced" do you still get the increased pull when the tank is near empty?

yea, hungry and big is traumatic Walter. I have a friend who saw only gill slits on a night dive, and they were like a hand width apart he said.
I would get the Reg serviced, if for no reason other than that for minimal cost, you can get some big piece of mind. At this point, it is all about restoring your confidence, and you will have more confidence that your reg was not damaged and will not fail on you due to some undiagnosed damage from your OOA. I would also do a couple of fairly easy dives with a very well trusted buddy. I hope you work through it.
All this talk about sharks is annoying me. I still haven't seen one.
uh...not in quarries, jeffie.

oh..but Catalina you had a chance.

Jen: I know ...creepy, huh? can you imagine?

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