Regulator load out lunacy

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OK - i'm admittedly a gear nut and have way too much crap. If you asked me how many regs or reg sets I have on hand, I couldn't tell you, other than too many... But when I go out on a week-long or longer trip, I am usually insanely redundant with my equipment load out.

I guess I got the mindset early on that if I was lucky enough to be on a liveaboard and something crapped on me what I had brung I brought to minimize interruption. My primary is an MK17 or H50-D hooked to a G260 and an Air2 on the BC. In my reg bag with those, I carry a complete backup - probably another MK17 with an APEKS XL4 second. Also a flat second stage puck style octo (Mares) as a spare and a spare power inflator should the Air2 blow up. I am also carrying a complete pony setup with H50-D and an XL4 but that's on the pony and I figure the other spare could backfill if any part of the pony equip poop. So basically three complete reg sets. I could take a refurb kit for the regs and cut back, but I'd rather not do a rebuild in-county or on the boat.

That's my load out and it goes even if I'm going somewhere that I could get rental support if any piece of gear goes tits up. It's overkill and I figure that's my OCD/Anal retentive side coming out, but I don't tend to rely on luck of availability or the kindness of strangers.

Is there anyone else out there crazy enough to carry all of that if going somewhere like Buddy Dive on Bonaire or CCV or AKR on RTB? That for single tank work in nice warm waters. I will likely investigate sidemount doubles soon before I jump into a Deco 50 program. That will add to the haul. Or maybe not, since I won't necessarily need a pony. Unless I need an additional deco bottle.
Raises hand ... (2) 1sts & (3) 2nds in use every dive (I don't use an Air2\Octoflate...} one spare of each in the kit with a hose\adapter that will work in a pintch. Maybe delay an entry, but not miss a dive for any single point of failure topside.

Well, when life will let me travel again ...
For two people we frequently carry an extra first and second. Much easier to swap then fix. I also have an extra exhaust - they are plastic and if hit just right like with a cylinder they can break.
I take one extra everything .... easier to swap (or loan) than fix in the field, as SS said.

Ditch the Air 2 -- if the reg acts up, you lost your octo. If the octo acts up, you lost your inflator. Why compound your problems?
Are you able to self-service your regs? If so, then life is simple(r), IMHO, if your regs are all the same make and model. So: Take one (octopus-configured) reg for your single back cylinder, another reg (same make and model) for your pony bottle, and tools and rebuild kits in your save-a-dive kit to service this make and model reg. Pack a spare reg (LP) hose, a spare SPG (HP) hose, and a spare BC inflate (LP) hose (and an equalizing whip).

Alternately, instead of packing these spare hoses, simply pack a complete third reg, same make and model as the others, configured for a single back tank. This alternative would make it possible for you to not have to sit out a dive servicing a reg that has suddenly gone wonky. (Service the wonky reg after the day's diving is done.)

Used to have an occto inflator, on all my rigs, about half a dozen even on tech rigs, but got rid of them all
bored by uninformed nonsense on here about them now it is just one reg a short hose right to the mouth

No auxilliary bottle
No secondary
No spares

When you bring other peoples spares you spend your Zen time fixing stuff that should already have been
When you bring other peoples spares you spend your Zen time fixing stuff that should already have been

I have been on dives that were held up because of faulty gear. Sometimes the boat's own gear and they lacked the part or expertise to fix it. Not only did I have the part, but was more competent than the boat crew to fix the other person's gear. As such, the dive was only briefly delayed and the person got to dive. In the end I was paid for the part, bought beer afterwards, and the crew were much more attentive to our diving requests.
🚂 Aw, man. Where did the tracks go? Another switch - 17 cu ft pony bottle.
I used to do an annual three day trip to a basically remote area. You has to bring all your tanks for the dive as the nearest known air was like two hours away. Anyhow, I always brought at least 1 extra reg set with me. Low and behold, a guy's second craps on him dive day 1 of the weekend. They fiddle with it, and are unsuccessful.... I go in my bag, pull out a full reg set for him. Well, almost.... he is yoke, including the tanks he bought. Quick swap, and he has a nice G250v in place of his POS second. Dive the weekend, and as he hands it back tome, I mention I like single batch bourbons. He just chuckles. Dude, I meant it. Never heard from him again.... Not impressed...

I still bring extra gear.... I just might not advertise it...

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