As a side note...
on the "Blue" color of the orings on the piston, it is not because of contact with salt water. (by the way, salt water leaves green residue - like on the filter (very rare to see green on the piston orings). Gray on the filter from oils and contaminents, red(rust color) from moisture - bad air sources.)
Anyway, the blue you saw was the discoloration from the Christolube used to lubricate those areas. Ive seent hat quite common along with PINK colors as well. I haven't been told if it's a 'bleeding' of color from the oring into the surrounding normal white-ish color of the Christolube or not. I wouldn't have normally thought it be the case as Scubapro uses EDPM orings which are typically much better quality than most of the orings out there. I would think the harder dirometer of materials wouldn't bleed color as easily, but I'm not sure of the reaction of compounds from the Christolube? Christomlube is a VERY stable compound - (ie read the material spec sheets from it.)
I've seen that 'Blue' tons of times and it has nothing to do saltwater. Many of the regs have never seen saltwater.