So, my reg has been in for an annual with my LDS for SIX WEEKS. I was promised in two.
First, the guy isn't around to fix it. Then, he's around, but the IP gauge is broken. Then, he gets an IPG in, but claims he can't get parts (sherwood oasis2). Today, I call down and they tell me it's ready (Monday they didn't have parts). I go to pick it up, and they knock $25 off the price for all the suffering. As they're ringing it up, I notice:
1. No little baggie of replaced parts.
2. Corrosion around all parts of the reg
It hasn't been, six weeks later and I almost paid $75 for a reg which hasn't been fixed. I am NOT happy.
It sucks, because I used to work in a shop and repair gear. I used to fix my own reg, just don't have the tools/parts now. Even crazier, someone who wasn't careful would've just walked out with the thing not knowing the difference!