REG and computer set up

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Hi everyone. First, since I'm new to scubaboard, wanted to say hi.
I also have a two part question, but the parts are related.
First part:
I'm upgrading my gear and I'm considering the following setup. An ATX 200 with an
ATX 20 octo (though maybe ATX 50 for the octo), and a Suunto Cobra computer.
What do people think about a rig like this.

Second part:
In the setup above, the computer is both the depth and pressure "gauge". My LDS is telling me that since Suuntos are so well made, that I don't need any redundency. However, everywhere else, all I hear is REDUNDENCY. I was considering adding a seperate SPG and some cheap wrist mounted computer (Maybe an old DATAmax) for a redundency in the depth gauge and computer. What do you guys think of this.

As a small piece of background, I have about 80 dives. I'm in the NY/NJ area and want to start doing more local diving and start training in wreck diving. I want the new equipment to last for a while and allow me to do what I want in terms of near future training.

Sorry for the long post and looking forward to hearing your input.
Thanks alot
welcome to the board! I am also residing in NY, but i travel to dive :D . I have the ATX200 with a ATX40 octo and used to use datamax pro air integrated. I had my air intgrated computer failed on me once, and since then I have a standard SPG with a depth gauge on my consule and a wrist computer. While the suunto cobra is a fine computer and very reliable, but it is still electronic :)
Can I ask why you chose the ATX 40 over ATX 20 or ATX 50
Thanks, Stas
Hello, and welcome to the SB,
I have the Suunto Cobra, as have most of my LDS and a lot of buddies, and it works fine and is reliable. There is always a risk, however small, of any electronics failing during a dive, so I do make a point of doing my dive tables as a back up, and have a dive watch as a bottom timer.

Personally I've only been diving for 18 months and haven't yet seen an immediate need to spend money on a back up I've had other goodies and courses to pay for..but may eventually get around to it.

Have fun and dive safe!
Second part:
In the setup above, the computer is both the depth and pressure "gauge". My LDS is telling me that since Suuntos are so well made, that I don't need any redundency. However, everywhere else, all I hear is REDUNDENCY. I was considering adding a seperate SPG and some cheap wrist mounted computer (Maybe an old DATAmax) for a redundency in the depth gauge and computer. What do you guys think of this.
I wouldn't bother adding extra stuff like a 2nd computer and an extra SPG unless you REALLY need it. In the type of diving that I do, at all times I have enough gas to complete the dive, and I know what my decompression status is. If my computer or SPG failed, then I just gracefully abort the dive; or in some cases, would just continue and complete the dive normally.

BTW, the most common cause for computer "failure" is a dead battery. Change the batteries when needed and you'll elminate a lot of the "failures". The Cobra, NOT being a two piece wireless AI computer, eliminates the problem of the transmitter unit battery going dead.
However, everywhere else, all I hear is REDUNDENCY.

here's my take on this (fwimbw). redundancy for redundancy's sake is just
plain silly.

we'd end up diving with two pairs of fins and an extra wetsuit. extra weights too?
why not carry an extra tank slung across our chest?

ok... just pushing my point a little :wink:

redundancy should (again, in my view) only be an issue if the item in question,
should it break, prohibit the safe termination of the dive.

i don't carry an extra SPG because loss of the SPG would simply mean i'd terminate
the dive at that point. combine that with the extreme rarity of an SPG failing,
and i find that carrying an extra SPG simply does not justify the expense and extra

i don't carry an extra computer because, again, failure of the computer means
that i would switch to diving tables (which i carry with me on every dive) by
using my watch (which i also carry with me on every dive). combine that with the
super reliability of today's computers, and i just don't see the justificaction for
the extra cost or clutter.

hope that helps

[edit: i dive with a regular watch, Atmos 2, and SPG. this includes my
cave diving]
welcome to the board! I am also residing in NY, but i travel to dive :D . I have the ATX200 with a ATX40 octo and used to use datamax pro air integrated. I had my air intgrated computer failed on me once, and since then I have a standard SPG with a depth gauge on my consule and a wrist computer. While the suunto cobra is a fine computer and very reliable, but it is still electronic :)

That's exactly why I went with Aeris 300G - electronic, but has a regular gage
Thanks for your thoughts.
Does anyone ave anyopiniom on the ATX200 ATX20 pairing.
Thanks, Stas
There is something to be said for having two identical second stages. It makes everything more interchangable. ATX200 or ATX50 are both fine. I do not know about the ATX20. Your octo should be a pretty good second stage since if you use it could be in a high stress situation where you will want good gas flow and of course reliabilty. That suggests that really low end models may not be a good idea. But if you have tried a ATX20 and it works well at depth trust yourself.


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