First let me say that I am simply saying what I do, not recommending anyone do what I do, it is what I do and how I do it, plain and simple.
If you are asking about using independent doubles, I use the Rule of Thirds for solo. I breath each tank approximately 750 (steel 72) or 1,000 (aluminum 50/65) and switch. This way I preserve full redundancy to the end of the dive. If you breath one tank down, then you no longer can use it for redundancy. I exit the water with a full third of air supply remaining or some predetermined amount I decided sufficient to cover my aXX if there was some "problem"

Now, if you want to treat it simply as a big back mounted pony, go ahead but that seems like a lot to carry. When (I) using a pony, the pony is sacred, I do not breath it unless there is a problem with my main rig. For pony bottles I have come to decide that slinging it is best.
The surface remains my redundant air source for dives less than 60 feet, plus or minus. I use a single tank of sufficient capacity, follow the Rule of Thirds (more or less) and do not generally carry a pony for these types of dives. And, shhh, in benign tropical waters, I may go deeper than 60 feet solo with my singles rig. In dark, cold, more challenging dives, I may stay much more shallow or truthfully, in that situation, it is time to go independent doubles. I may say that "safety is way over rated" but I am not stupid either if you follow.
The aluminum 50s take standard 6.9 inch bands same as used for steel 72s. This si a size that should be available from Highland I think it is. Mine were custom made and I have another set made more narrow for independent doubles.