Redondo Monday?

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There were several bombs on our dive tonight. Chris and I were ascending, and we were at about 20 feet - and one went off right over us. We looked at each other and gave the thumbs-up at the same moment.

At least I think that's what he gave me. It could have been any finger... who could tell in that viz.

Did you guys have better luck as far as numbers go? I wonder if Ross and I went in too early to see the multitudes. :D

BTW, it was nice meeting you tonight.
Dive California:
Roger...yeah, Saturday night Claudette and I experienced a seal bomb...even though I knew it might still scared the $%*t out of me...What an awful feeling...I hate those things...they should be banned...
I was doing some research today for an article about squid and I read that squid fishers are NOT SUPPOSED to take squid on Friday or Saturday nights. I am checking with a DFG person but according to your report that moratorium was ignored. Anyone know more?

Paul, Scott and I dove Redondo Canyon Monday night as well. Lots of squid, but 1 foot of vis at 85 feet, 5 feet at 30 feet depth. We saw a few bat rays who bolted away leaving us with .5 feet of vis, but at least they were batrays! Tons of squid, dead ones, almost dead ones, plus hundreds more throughout the dive. I was creeped out by the lifeguard telling us there may be a woman's body in the canyon. At 1 foot vis, I really didn't want to find her body...We had a good time anyway, but cancelled a 2nd dive!
I was doing some research today for an article about squid and I read that squid fishers are NOT SUPPOSED to take squid on Friday or Saturday nights. I am checking with a DFG person but according to your report that moratorium was ignored. Anyone know more?


I heard of that dfg rule before but I always see them taking squid on weekends. Even if there is a law,I guess dfg is too busy and short handed to catch them.
I heard of that dfg rule before but I always see them taking squid on weekends. Even if there is a law,I guess dfg is too busy and short handed to catch them.

They're all lying in wait for Kyle. Lobster Season is almost over, and they're sure if they haven't busted him for a shorty hiding in the BC's, they'll find him after the closer still scratching up kid-sized bugs.... Forget the illeagle squidders, its Kyle season.

Rabbit Season.

Duck Season....

Did you guys have better luck as far as numbers go? I wonder if Ross and I went in too early to see the multitudes. :D

BTW, it was nice meeting you tonight.

But we saw a bunch. Of course, I'm using "saw" in the loosest sense of the word. Surely more than I've ever "seen" before.

Chris said it best: "If we even had 15 - 20 of viz, this dive would have been pretty unforgettable" (<- insert salty Chris-ism here... :eyebrow: )

Lots of deaddies, lots of reddies, we saw some laying eggs, saw some buried in the sand, saw some crab food... what we didn't see was the bottom until we stepped on it as we exited. That was an experience.

On the kick back in, Chris was all "I better not flood my camera on the exit..." I was thinking that would truly suck. Carrying that sweet rig in, schlepping around the boat anchor, completely unused for the viz-less dive only to flood it on the way out. Fortunately we exited without drama, and all is well.

Max - good to meet you as well, for sure. We need to do this again sometime when we can, you know, SEE. Or not. Whenever - I'm local.

The vis was probably fine until all 500 of you went in to look at the squid! :11:

I would have made every effort to be 501, but I'm still a little stuffed up from a cold.

The vis was probably fine until all 500 of you went in to look at the squid! :11:

I would have made every effort to be 501, but I'm still a little stuffed up from a cold.


LOL, well, there were actually far fewer divers than a usual Wed nite dive. all told, there was a max of 5 divers in the water at any one time. Big Canyon.... with a dead body in it now. Thanks for sharing :^
LOL, well, there were actually far fewer divers than a usual Wed nite dive. all told, there was a max of 5 divers in the water at any one time. Big Canyon.... with a dead body in it now. Thanks for sharing :^
At least I told you after your dive!
At least I told you after your dive!

True... Any word on why they think this?

Saw you guys going in, was hoping you had better conditions....We saw some other guys come out of the water and go back in, nuts

Did you drive from San Diego for that?


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