There are pictures of the cabins on the website. It's kinda like getting (and paying for) a happy meal at McDonalds and than write a review in which you complain about them not having filet mignon and no white table cloth in the Restaurant.Although I agree you have some legitimate complaints, stuff like small cabins, ...
Same with the no fish/sharks complained... at the Brothers and the south tours you likely see sharks but it's much less likely on the north tour (which he apparently took as he dove the Thistlegorm).
15 min of googling would have told him about virtually all the 'issues' beforehand... and any random 3rd grader could have told him that it's very hot and dry in summer a in country that's basically all desert.
This write up is just bashing the boat and the diving in Egypt. Egypt has great diving, he just didn't bother to do ANY research about where to go and about the trip in general.