Kay Dee
60m deep air decompression OW dive!!! Done it many many times, nothing to write home about!
Helium is NOT that readily available in this part of the world and is very expensive.
As as you well know, or should I expect given where you live, the visibility / conditions in some areas of the SCS, Malacca Strait and Java Sea is far far from ideal, especially at 60m. But doable - if experienced - and yes have done it on OC many times too, but only because helium was not available on board for whatever trip that may have been. So not out of choice on my part, just no gas available that time round. So if I didn't have gas and there was a 60m dive to do in open water on a wreck, then not having gas would not stop me from doing the dive, all other things - current, sea state, etc - being equal. But deep air is not something I would recommend to others, although I wouldn't try to stop them doing it either, unless they were complete newbies / unaware of whats 'down there'. For some folks it's a nightmare and then there are others that should never even attempt it, while for a very minority of others - dive boat owners / skippers / skippers 'help' mostly - it's not only almost a daily occurrence, but sometimes a couple of times a day.