Suggestion Reconsider and remove the "disagree (red thumb down)" flag

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Central MO, USA
Today I am seeing the red thumb down ("disagree") flag for the first time. This must be a new feature.

I see a couple of problems with this feature: First, in the past, I (and others?) have used the blue thumb up ("agree") flag not only when I have agreed with a particular post (of course), but also to acknowledge that I have read a post, and I have found it helpful, even if I do NOT completely agree with it. I think that introducing the red thumb down ("disagree") flag is forcing a dichotomy that has the potential of being divisive and just might squelch the productive exchanges between members participating in a given SB thread--which is a second, but related, reason I think the red thumb down ("disagree") flag should be discontinued.

I recommend discontinuing this new (?) red thumb down ("disagree") flag feature.


i dont like the idea either- its like a hit and run -if you disagree with a post then have the courage to write an opinion -it may mean the OP might adjust their position and make for better dive knowledge
Today I am seeing the red thumb down ("disagree") flag for the first time. This must be a new feature.

The Disagree Reaction has been available since the upgrade almost a year ago. We did change the graphic from:
:disagree: to
to provide a clearer distinction from the other "yellow-dominant" icons on small screens.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Note that the "yellow" Disagree icon was automatically changed with the the source file was updated to the red thumb-down icon.

I see a couple of problems with this feature: First, in the past, I (and others?) have used the blue thumb up ("agree") flag not only when I have agreed with a particular post (of course), but also to acknowledge that I have read a post, and I have found it helpful, even if I do NOT completely agree with it. I think that introducing the red thumb down ("disagree") flag is forcing a dichotomy that has the potential of being divisive and just might squelch the productive exchanges between members participating in a given SB thread--which is a second, but related, reason I think the red thumb down ("disagree") flag should be discontinued.

Have you seen any abuse of the Disagree Reaction in the last year? It is something we were concerned about when we re-designed the default Reactions system but found that other forums did not see abuse of their "negative" reactions.
i dont like the idea either- its like a hit and run -if you disagree with a post then have the courage to write an opinion -it may mean the OP might adjust their position and make for better dive knowledge

I really don’t see how introducing negativity without explanation will enhance my experience here either.

I reckon there are plenty of people like me that read through threads quite quickly and choose to make immediate use of the assorted 'reaction' options... or not. No one should feel obligated to defend their opinion if it does not agree with yours--in most cases, an absolute stranger. If you're that concerned, tag them in a follow-up post and ask why they disagreed with you, or PM them.

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