kapula:Hey Kim!
You can allways get one of those plastic bag thingies for your dslr. It's only around 250$ Forgot the manufacturer but you'll sure find it with a bit of googling
Seriously: u/w photography is such a marginal market that marginals are HUGE! There's not enough competition to cut down prices and as market is so small marginals need to be high so that manufacturers can bring some bread to their table. It's just plain and simple law of economics.Sure I'd like to get all those strobes and housings for half the price but then again why should manufacturers do them if it wasn't a business? If I was to make a product and I could sell it for 2 or 1 buck I don't think there'd be too many question which I'd choose.
This conversation has turned pretty ugly btw. Maybe we should get some virtual boxing gloves here
Actually when it was just Ikelite and Oceanic selling strobes the prices were not too bad. Then the competition showed up and started jacking up the prices for, in my opinion, is just snake oil features.