On the live-aboard, I related my experience on the COZ dive to one of the dive masters. He told me of a similar experience where an individual diving with him surfaced with an out of control breathing situation. They put him on oxygen and rushed him to shore where they were met by EMS personnel...his breathing was still out of control. After getting a description of the guy's symptoms, they removed the oxygen and told him to slow his breathing and hold his breath. In five minutes, he was reported to be walking around and feeling quite normal.
It's quite amazing how the body responds so well to raising the CO2 level back toward normal in such a case!
Just give some very careful thought to the difficulties of self-diagnosing and self-treating underwater, since perceptual changes and anxiety may fool you and a brief blackout will likely kill you.
I'd just abort that dive and figure it out on the surface, I think.
There will be plenty more dives to do, especially for you, lucky guy!

Dave C