Quick ascent

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I'm very glad you got treatment and am sorry to hear about your experience with DAN. It sounds like you were a great advocate for yourself.

What were you diagnosed with at the hospital? Did your CT show anything?

Best regards,
Hello, and thanks for the advice you gave me to get checked out
I still am not 100%, and think I will get checked out by someone here in Spain, I found a doctor specialised in Diving.
I should have acted sooner, and taken oxygen and got to a chamber, but what I have seen with a lot of dive shops is that people tell you its nothing, its just a muscle strain, etc, and you lose valuable time where you should be getting treatment
I spoke to a doctor today on the phone, and he said it was a mild level 2 decompression sickness
This was not spotted by any staff at the resort even though i mentioned it many times, and the doctore ignored that i had pins and needles in my arms etc, when i was getting treated in Manila
The only person you can rely on and trust is yourself, as it seems the hospital just wanted to get the most from DAN, and DAN were stalling the treatment

In the end, I still have chest pain, pins and needles and some damage from the event, which hopefully will go in time, but I am considering stopping diving completely
I will get various tests done next week so hopefully nothing serious

thanks again for your advise, as if it was not for you,i would have listened to the people telling me "its nothing" and avoided treatment
DAN Europe, why would that make a difference?
Hello, and thanks for the advice you gave me to get checked out
I still am not 100%, and think I will get checked out by someone here in Spain, I found a doctor specialised in Diving.
I should have acted sooner, and taken oxygen and got to a chamber, but what I have seen with a lot of dive shops is that people tell you its nothing, its just a muscle strain, etc, and you lose valuable time where you should be getting treatment
I spoke to a doctor today on the phone, and he said it was a mild level 2 decompression sickness
This was not spotted by any staff at the resort even though i mentioned it many times, and the doctore ignored that i had pins and needles in my arms etc, when i was getting treated in Manila
The only person you can rely on and trust is yourself, as it seems the hospital just wanted to get the most from DAN, and DAN were stalling the treatment

In the end, I still have chest pain, pins and needles and some damage from the event, which hopefully will go in time, but I am considering stopping diving completely
I will get various tests done next week so hopefully nothing serious

thanks again for your advise, as if it was not for you,i would have listened to the people telling me "its nothing" and avoided treatment
I'm glad that you're getting the care that you need. The diagnosis of Type II DCS is interesting given the way you described the event, but I'll defer to the people who evaluated you in person. If the residual symptoms you described are indeed related to DCS, then there's reason to be optimistic that they will improve over time. Thanks for the update!

Best regards,
Hi @dufferito

You did not give us your whole profile, it is difficult to assess your risk for DCS, though it appears low. Exhaling during your ascent seems to make AGE relatively low probability also. It is easy to second guess your complaints, who knows what was the case. I hope you fully recover from your symptoms.

I'm sorry for the complex issues after your report, I would like to hope that if I ever contacted DAN, that the experience would be smooth. I have no plans to test it.

DAN's level of service has been called into question recently in a very well-publicized story concerning a well known diver / internet personality.

Your story bears some similarity to the other one I am referring to.

Hope you get better quick.

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