Quick advice needed:I'm in SanFran approx. from 9/15-9/25 - wanna dive

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Hello everyone,

My name is Dennis, I'm from Germany with the age of 20. I'm a diving beginner since I just made my PADI Open Water Diver license in Egypt.

Well I'm heading to the US on the 8th of September and will be in Wisconsin for a week, after that I'll be in SanFrancisco area. I do have my own rental car so I'm pretty much free to go ANYWHERE. I know the area around San Fran down to San Jose a bit and I don't think it's that far away.
I'm not bound to any hotels or anything, cuz I got my tent along - you see I'm pretty much independant.

All I want to know where I can dive in San Fran area. A friend told me Monterey should be pretty good. Well YOU tell me what is good and what not and whom I have to contact. I don't have ANY equipment so I'd have to rent everything. Well just give me some directions, I'll be in Germany and answering this thread until the 7th of September so reply quick ;)

Hello everyone,

My name is Dennis, I'm from Germany with the age of 20. I'm a diving beginner since I just made my PADI Open Water Diver license in Egypt.

Well I'm heading to the US on the 8th of September and will be in Wisconsin for a week, after that I'll be in SanFrancisco area. I do have my own rental car so I'm pretty much free to go ANYWHERE. I know the area around San Fran down to San Jose a bit and I don't think it's that far away.
I'm not bound to any hotels or anything, cuz I got my tent along - you see I'm pretty much independant.

All I want to know where I can dive in San Fran area. A friend told me Monterey should be pretty good. Well YOU tell me what is good and what not and whom I have to contact. I don't have ANY equipment so I'd have to rent everything. Well just give me some directions, I'll be in Germany and answering this thread until the 7th of September so reply quick ;)


You can shoredive Monterey. There is a beginner site that will have lots of divers on the weekends and a couple of dive shops close enough to rent and walk to the dive from. It is San Carlos beach, also known as Breakwater in Monterey. There is also an intermediate dive off the left side called The Metridium Fields.

Here is a link to some maps.


You can also dive in Sonoma (North of SF). I don't know too much about diving there though, just a bit that I have read / watched on video.

Figure 2 hours for Monterey with little traffic, probably close to the same for Sonoma, maybe longer?

Someone else will surely post here as well.

if you're a beginner stick to breakwater, dive out along the wall, nicw 50-55' depth, very interesting dive, 2 hours SF to Monterey sounds good, there are plenty of dive stores in Monterey, Aquarius, Monterey Dive Centre and others, never rented gear in any of them though
I've heard good things about the one next to BackScatter. Can't remember the name though (we get our fills there sometimes) and my OW instructor loves them (she is sorta picky).

I've heard good things about the one next to BackScatter. Can't remember the name though (we get our fills there sometimes) and my OW instructor loves them (she is sorta picky).


If you are referring to backscatters old location in the breakwater parking lot that would be Glenn's aquarius 2 dive shop. Also note that there are two aquarius dive shops....one located at breakwater(glenns aquarius 2) and one located on delmonte(aquarius dive shop). If you are referring to backscatters newer location that would be monterey bay dive center located next door. My two personal favorites are manta ray dive center and aquarius located on delmonte.
aquarius located on delmonte.

i;ve used these guys for fills, they're pretty good, good guys for info about conditions on the way into Monetery as well
Wow that's a whole lot of replies already, great!

I wrote all those names down you gave me and I'll check 'em out when I'm there. Weekend sounded very good, I'll try to make it to those spots on the weekend!

Is there anything else in California which is a MUST to see divingwise? I mean if there's something REALLY cool I'd love to see it. Of course it shouldn't be too deep for me, but I consider myself as fast learning and healthy, so...

Eagerly awaiting some more replies. Thanks for all those who replied so far.

Monterey is not the Red Sea. The water is cold, the vis
is usually medocre, the waves are big, and the kelp is
thick. But the invert life is world class.

Seek local knowledge. If you don't get hooked up with
a local buddy, arrange a tour with a divemaster from one
of the Monterey dive shops. And go to
and read the New Monterey Diver page.

There are five dive shops in
Monterey. Manta Ray, both Aquarius (separate ownership
now), Monterey Bay Dive Center are all fine. I haven't
been in the fifth in years because it's an inconvenient
location and the owner is a used car salesman personality
(but he has been a dive shop owner longer
than anybody else in the bay area).

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ba_diving/links has
a list of dive shops and dive boats.

Monterey Bay would definitely be your best bet for diving in the area, and you will definitely have some stories to share when you get back home. There are probably some people in San Francisco that dive up there, but you would probably be a lot better off in Monterey.

There is shore diving and boat diving available in Monterey, and both are great, it just depends upon what you want / enjoy and what your budget can handle. Boat dives are around $80 for a 2-tank dive. Shore diving is typically free. There is plenty to see within easy swimming distance of the shore.

If you wish to do a shore dive, then Breakwater would be the easiest to arrange. There is a large lawn area right at Breakwater, and that's where most of the divers hang out. Everyone knows where it is so it would be the easiest to find. Also there would be lots of divers around. Plus there are two dive shops that are basically within easy walking distance. (Aquarius 2 and Monterey Bay Dive Center)

If you want to do a boat dive in the Monterey Bay Area. there are several options; the Monterey Express, Cypress Charters and others.

I bet that if you contacted one of the dive shops listed, or one of the charter boat operations, most of them would be willing to help set you up with gear and guidance.

Note that Monterey is a popular destination so some of the hotels and motels can fill up. There are some campgrounds in the general area, but you might end up having to travel a little ways to find accomodations. Again some shops might be able and willing to help you find a place to stay. The weather should be great, it has been real nice lately.

Something else to keep in mind if you are planning to dive nitrox

Aquarius on Del Monte banks 36% which makes getting nitrox a bit easier than those that PP blend although their fills cost slightly more than the others.

Monterey Bay Dive Center partial pressure blends nitrox which requires your tank to be O2 cleaned for use with 100% O2.

Manta Ray also provides nitrox but i dont know which method they use to blend their nitrox. The strange thing is that i get most of my fills there but have no idea how they blend. What i do know is they have always given me good quick fills wether it be nitrox or air.

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