Questions on my new Drysuit

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Reaction score
Scottsdale AZ
# of dives
500 - 999
I just ordered my new Whites Drysuit and it comes with a neck dam to help keep water from going into the hood. First question, can I trim my exsisting wetsuit hood to fit? I have a new 7mm Titanium hood and it looks like I can trim off the lower part and it'll look like the same cut as a drysuit hood. Second, do I have to fold under my latex wrist seals? I've heard yes and no. One guy at my local LDS that I bought it from says yes, yet the other guy there says no... What do you think? Thanks, Joe.:confused:
First of which model?

I own a Whites Catalyst and love it!!

On the hood, my suit has a zipper that opens up an area around my shoulders to allow for tucking in a regular hood. Then when it's zipped back up, the result is just tight enough to restrict water flow from coming up my neck and continue to keep my chin and neck warm.

On the latex wrist seals, no, you don't have to fold them back. In fact, I've never trimmed mine since they fit very snugly from the onset. And while this next time sounds a looks strange, it does work. To make sliding into the wrist seals nice and easy, smear a dab of KY jelly (or other latex friendly personal lubricant) on your hand/wrist. Then you will slide in nice and slick like know...... :tease:
Originally posted by divrnr
First question, can I trim my exsisting wetsuit hood to fit?

Second, do I have to fold under my latex wrist seals?
Yes. However you might want to leave it uncut until you get your suit and see just how much to cut off... I am not sure what you mean by a neck dam but if it is like DUI's warm collar then it is made for the skirt of the hood to be tucker underneath it... so don't cut just yet.

No. Do not fold under... it should lay flat on your wrist and if it is too long and folds back over on top then fine.
Texasmike, it's a Nexus Shell, a great suit for the money. What about wetsuit snot (1/2 water and hair conditioner in a spray bottle)? Would that hurt latex? Also, I'll leave the seals alone, thanks for the advice!!
Any type of lubricant that is NOT petroleum-based will work. Vaseline, etc, will eventually deteriorate the latex-rubber, which is why KY is recommended for ... ummm...

Silicone is a DEFINITE NO-NO. It has a tendancy to eventually get everywhere, and will guarantee to cause the glue never to stick if you need to make repairs or ever replace the zipper.

You can also use any non-scented-type of talcum powder to sprinkle on the seals (no, not the barking ones!) before insertion (heh-heh-heh). The standard kind, like J&J Baby Powder (can I mention brand-names here?) is scented, so it's a no-no. Ask the druggist for suggestions, or have them point you towards the unscented kind (if you can still look him/her in the eye after reading all the small-print on the 'personal lubricant' tubes by this time).

I'd imagine the hair conditioner you mentioned is scented (most scents are petro-based), so it probably isn't a good idea. Probably not too good on a wetsuit either in the long-run, come to think of it (but hey, you got a drysuit now, so who cares?).

Seal-trimming (Hey! We've already been thru this part, ok?) should have been covered in your drysuit-course. You DID take one didn't you?
Steven Barsky has a great book out, and it's aptly named..... (drum-roll).... "Drysuit Diving" (to be fair there may be more, I just happen to use/teach out of this one). Pick one up at your LDS, and quick!

Oh, and one last thing. Remember: You can pee in your mask and spit in your wetsuit, but don't do either in your DRYsuit (that's why that named it that, silly!).
Oh, and be sure to eyeball the zipper when you close it. Otherwise you'll wind up like me with just 1/8" of it open while swimming in 50&deg water.

It's bad enough to climb a ladder with 60 pounds of doubled cylinders on your back without adding an addition 15-20 pounds of water in your legs :)

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