Question on Scubapro Regs

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I have an MK2/R190 set up that is about 9 years old. Only did about 90 dives but never had a problem with it.

I've decided to upgrade and am trying to decide what to buy. I'm looking at the MK25/S600 because I was told it was the best value for your money. I wonder if I really need something so nice though - I'm not anticipating doing any kind of extreme diving.

If anyone has comments on the S600 vs S550 vs G250HP, that would be helpful. I'm not too price sensitive but don't want to go crazy either. No sense buying the very top of the line if I'm not going to need it. The R190 was a lower end model and it was great.

Thanks for the advice.
if you're not gonna use it, send ME the mk2/r190 ... i can always use another regulator!

personally, i prefer the mk16 over the mk25 ... i figure the swivel on the 25 is just one more possible failure point (not that i've heard of any problems with it).

The main difference in the S600 over the S550 is the diver-adjustable inhalation effort..... personally, I'm happy with the 550.
Nice features on the S600 include the user adjustement and the seat saver. The user adjustment is quite useful in currents and in surf. It can also be used to compensate for small performance problems that would take a non-adjustable back to the shop. The seat saver relieves the pressure on the LP seat when the reg is not pressurized. The S550 has neither of those features. The G250HP is the same a the S600 but has the std size case. Some claim that the full size case gives better performance (larger diaphram takes less effort (inhale) to move the lever.

I'd recommend the G250HP unless you just have to have the smaller case.
I have never heard of a failure in the one additional o-ring used in the Mk 25 swivel cap. It is fuly contained, it is not gloing anywhere, and while technically considered to be dynamic, the number of movement cycles it sees are so small as to make it more comparable to a static o-ring. So it poses about as much risk as the extra HP port found on many regs today. (Actually it probably poses less risk as it is only exposed to about 140 psi. rather than 3000 + psi). In my opinon, the threat of leaky hoses caused by bending them where you need them to go with a non swivel port equipped reg is a more common and more expensive problem. Swivel ports rule.

The seat saver feature on the S600 is, in my opinion, an overly complicated solution to a non-existant problem. (SP apparently did it to keep up with the Jone's without considering whether they really wanted to go where the Jone's were going anyway.) If you back the adjustment knob all the way out after each use, you are not going to have a problem with an excessive seating groove developing in the LP seat. (If for some reason you do, it's a quick and easy fix and a new seat costs $1.00.) At the last tech seminar I attended, the rep mentioned that SP was doing away with that feature as it caused more problems than it solved. But perhaps the marketing folks have succeeded in again defeating common sense.

I also really prefer the G250. It is also adjustable, the larger diaphragm is a plus, the reg is a proven workhorse and has a better reputation in cold water than the S600.

The Mk 16 is a very good first stage and it's flow rate is approx 170 SCFM, which is enough for just about any conceivable use. My personal preference would be the Mk 18 (a Mk 16 with a swivel cap), but SP does not market them heavily in the US, so if you want a swivel cap you have to go with the Mk 25. The Mk 16 has a higher parts count and is a little harder to service than the Mk 25, but it is still a very good reg and it is more reliable than a Mk 25 in extremely cold water.
Excuse my ignorance but what is the benefit of the swivel cap? Said another way, what the hell is a swivel cap? Lol. I'm not too up on the equipment features.

Looks like the G250 gets good marks so maybe that's where I'll end up.

Appreciate the help.
Excuse my ignorance but what is the benefit of the swivel cap? Said another way, what the hell is a swivel cap? Lol. I'm not too up on the equipment features.

Looks like the G250 gets good marks so maybe that's where I'll end up.

Appreciate the help.

The LP ports swivel on the regulator to improve hose routing.
Excuse my ignorance but what is the benefit of the swivel cap? Said another way, what the hell is a swivel cap? Lol. I'm not too up on the equipment features.

Looks like the G250 gets good marks so maybe that's where I'll end up.

Appreciate the help.

The swivel allows you to route hoses more effeciently. Specifically you have more options to have your hoses pointed down and out of the way. I chose the G250 HP for the same reasons listed above and it costs about $30 less than the S600. I am very impressed with how this reg breaths at depth.

Ok, I think I'll go with the MK25/G250. I'll use my old primary R190 as my octopus but also keep my Air2 just to have it. I read some other threads that a traditional Octo is perhaps a bit more versatile in a distressed situation which I actually agree with (having been diving with the Air2 for 9 years now). I have found that breathing from my Air2 restricts my head movement a bit. If all hell breaks loose I want to be as comfortable as possible with no restricted head movement.

Thanks for the help.
That is what most would do is use their old primary as the octo. Keep the other first stage as spare if you ever get a pony, or doubles...

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